The best art causes pain or mental anguish
From the upcoming Bumbershoot music festival in Seattle, a scheduled art installation called ‘Skaters Gauntlet’:
W. Scott Trimble’s sculptural installation is a fantastic obstacle course that includes a 360-degree skate pipe, skate bowl extension towers, a freestanding quarter pipe, ramps over obstacles, and more impossible structures that would taunt the most seasoned and reckless of skateboarders — if they were allowed to skate on it.
As Bobcat pointed out, “…basically, not only are they going to close Seaskate for Bumbershit…. they are going to build an ‘art exhibit’ and not let skaters ride it.Time to rile up the Daggers.”
Well, I knew him when his name was Ralph and he lived in the Valley, man. Now he’s Monk and he thinks he’s cool.
Well, I knew him when his name was Munk and he lived in the suburbs, man. Now he’s Mark and he builds killer skateparks.
Bumbershoot is a huge festival that closes off the entire Seattle Center, which is private property by the way. Probably a better plan to skate one of the other million places in Seattle if you’re not attending one of the concerts.
Might work out better for skaters to be cool about something that is not a big deal.
Yeah, show some respect for private property ya punks! Geez…
Wait, why are your public skateparks built on private property?
Sounds like art faggery to me.
SOMEBODY’s gonna skate it. You know they will. Might get arrested, buy surely there’s a skater somewhere in the PNW with the skills and the balls and nothing to lose. BARGE IT!
Maybe you could get your skateboard in there by pretending it’s a fashion accessory.
My skateboard’s not a fashion accessory?
Send in the Daggers man, nothings gonna stop them. Bring some camcorders, make our own Art Statement.
Peha, get your hardhat.
Here’s some photos of the lame shit: