Downhill Speed Record: 80.83mph
Mischo Erban achieved 80.83 mph on hill somewhere in Colorado on September 30, 2010, shattering his old record of 70.23 mph. This record was sanctioned by the International Gravity Sports Association. I don’t know how they get along with Guiness, who is strangely silent on the subject. At least in as much as their web site makes it impossible to find that information. The only other thing I could find online was a Gary Hardwick speed of 62.55 mph set back in 1998. Video after the jump, but it’s pretty much just a guy flying by at an insane speed.
[Source: Push Culture, via Skateboarder’s Journal]
That is like silly, wicked, ridiculous fast.
I am especially glad to see this guy go that fast the old fashioned way and not towed behind a motorcycle, helicopter, air plane or watercraft. Awesome!
I think the towed record is only about 10 mph faster.
Towed,are you nuts?
I’m SURE I will read all about this in Concrete Wave pretty soon.
scary fast! big balls!
I wanna see how he bled the speed off, that is rediculously fast
No kidding. Something tells me it wasn’t a power slide stop.
With slide gloves no doubt.
if you don’t know many tricks at least go fast
I’ve skated that hill before, it’s an amazing adrenaline rush going 70+ mph on a skateboard. Slowing down is actually quite simple – at the end of the video you can see Mischo stand up and stretch out while facing forwards, this catches the air and will quickly bring you down to maybe 40-50mph as the hill flattens out. There’s a flat, straight section after the mellow corners you see at the end which tee’s into a stopsign, however by then you can carve off enough speed where you simply step off your board at 5mph or so right at the stop line. Perfect.
I believe Gary Hardwick still holds the official Guinness World Record for fastest speed. He was a successful rider in the late 90s who was a well respected friend of his fellow riders. He unfortunately passed away and out of respect nobody wanted to officially go faster and remove his name from the record books.
F “out of respect nobody wanted to officially go faster” RIP Mr. Hardick. He got smoked. 70 mph is quite a barrier to break in the first place, but 80mph truly amazing.
How long is the hill and what kind of grade estimate BP?