Can you send me some free stickers?

A: Yes! If you follow these simple instructions.

Send a S.A.S.E* to

Skate and Annoy
3439 NE Sandy Blvd.
Portland, OR

If you include a note or something entertaining, you’re more likely to receive some extra stickers.

*WTF is a SASE? It’s a self-addressed, stamped envelope. That’s right. Take an empty envelope, write your address on it and put a stamp on it. THEN PUT IT INSIDE ANOTHER STAMPED ENVELOPE ADDRESSED TO US AND MAIL IT. If these instructions sound condescending it’s because you haven’t seen the amount of blank envelopes that get sent to us.

We’re willing to give you some stickers, but you have to pay for postage. We don’t care how poor you are or what country you live in, you still need to send us the postage to get your free stickers mailed to you.