
16 thoughts on “There will be hurt feelings

  1. Youre faster than Rich and me. Ego gets out unbruised.

  2. This is way off topic, except that the Simpsons is a cartoon too. But have y’all out there in Portland always been aware of the connection between Burnside and the Simpson’s Mr. Burnside? (Both named after the same street.) Who (outside Portland, that is) duh thunk??

  3. It’s Montgomery Burns, not Burnside.

  4. …and they’re saying “boo-urns.”

  5. Dude, he’s not faster than me. 🙂

  6. Uh, but we do have several streets in Portland which directly influenced the surnames of characters such as Ned Flanders, Helen Lovejoy, Herbert Powell, and Cecil Terwilliger amongst others.

  7. Sideshow Bob! Mayor Quimby.

  8. what is the deal with “failing” street I guess I would rather be on “going”st. than “failing”st. and why is couch pronounced Kooch(yes I know it was named after someone, but I still dont get it. More ON topic rion landed a sick mctwist and a frontside 540 air in the square at pier today. sickness!!

  9. Thelma and Selma were based upon a pair of old smoking waitresses at a Dive Bar in Olympia when Matt Groening went to college there as well as many other connections in the NW.

  10. I wish I went faster, but as soon as I start to I get scared and slow down. I don’t care what anybody says, I’m a wuss.

  11. jakeandannoy on January 11, 2010 - Reply

    Patty and Selma. And that bar in Oly is called Moe’s, same as the show,they even filed suit at some point.
    Marge was in Playboy.What a whore.

  12. There’s a street sign on NE Flanders, I think around 27th(..a few blocks northwest of the Laurelhurst Theater), which has a “D” after the “NE”.

  13. Failing St pedestian bridge. I wonder whoever thought of that one?

  14. jacknife on January 12, 2010 - Reply

    Don’t forget Kearney.

  15. D’oh, that explains why probably not even the most random of skaters made the connection. But Mr. Burns (that is) IS named after Burnside Street in Portland, according to Matt Groenig.

  16. cold ones on January 13, 2010 - Reply

    This was covered on the the Simpsons 20 Anniversary Special last Sunday

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