Skate Rock Skateboards
I haven’t seen this many band boards since Punk Rock Skateboards. Remember Punk Rock Skateboards? I mean, the company? They burned bright, and then disappeared. But I digress. DC Jam, home to skate rock bands of legend and today has a new venture called Backstage Skateboards. Check out the lineup: Narcoleptic Youth, JFA, BYO Records Aggression Youth Brigrade, Dr. Strange Records, Teenage Bottle Rockets, Fishbone, Meat Puppets, T.S.O.L., 300 Pounds, Frontside Five, Goverment Issue, DC Jam Records and McRad.
all popsicles? WTF is up with that? At least PRS realized the market their decks were aimed at and gave some shape variation.
And it’s Teenage Bottlerocket. The best damned band out there right now. Their new album came out today, featuring the instant classic “Skate or Die” which namechecks JFA and the Bones Brigade amongst others.
Wheres Skate Master Taints board. I mean Tate.
That McRad photo reminds me of the Undertones cover.
Government Issue was the best of DC hardcore (harDCore) in my opinion. “Teenager in a Box” is a classic. Houseofneil is right, where are the pig shapes?
just saw bad brains in SF, they’re headed to pdx, check em out, still shredding!!
Big props to Chuck/McRad keeping it core as a Dad, musician, skater and activist.
References to DC hardcore? JFA? Kilwag where is the Caustic Defiance album review, sir?
Hello I ayoub live in Morocco is I to play the skateboard what is that can it friends is thank you what is what you to sponsor your mark(brand) is thank you beaucoups
I agree with ayoub. Words of wisdom.