When Henry was cool
Before he started appearing in commercials, hosting lame TV shows and playing even lamer “stand up comedy” gigs, Henry Rollins was cool. He appeared on a skateboard in Thrasher for two months back to back in 1982.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on February 24th, 2009
Categories: Rock and/or Roll, Skate
Before he started appearing in commercials, hosting lame TV shows and playing even lamer “stand up comedy” gigs, Henry Rollins was cool. He appeared on a skateboard in Thrasher for two months back to back in 1982.
…and appeared in a classic Indy ad…Rollins loves music and supports lots of artists (he published Ranking Jeffrey Lee’s book for instance)- I can’t fault anyone for that.
The ad with the words yeah, I ride ’em written in crayon by a small child?
Filth n’ Fury zine has an interview with him talking about skating back in the day, and a few photos Ive never seen anywhere else.
whatever…you fairies wear Nikes. Talk about stayin true?
Yeah air Jordans were perfect skate shoes, everyone wore them!@
Nike had a skate team back in ’82. Check it:
Air Jordan was better for skateboarding than for Basket ball. It’s a fact. The only High tops I’ve ever skated/wore and liked. Henry is a Bad Mother Fucker. Who saw American Hardcore when he bashed the shit out of that dude on stage, awesome.
Assuming I had the same opportunities for endorsements, etc. I’d like to think I’d make different choices. That said, I respect the guy for making his own decisions, e.g. he’s not a NASCAR driver. And I respect the guy for refusing to let others confine him to an early 80s punk rock caricature.
legitamacy can be bought apparently…Sheep. SWOOSHSTIKA
True story. A couple of months back I got hated on by some high school kid for wearing Vans slip-ons and skating tranny. He thought he was so superior to me because of his $100 Nikes and his ability to attempt kickflip nose manuals. I tried to explain to him that they were comfortable and that I liked the “board feel” that you get from thinner skate shoes, but he thought that they were “fuckin gay.” Whatever, not my problem.
While I approve of wearing slip ons Vans for skating transistions I disapprove of the use of the phrases “hate on” or “hater”. Anyone who types this should receive a massive electric shock from their keyboard. It’s hard for me to express my disgust with these slang terms without resorting to slurs degrading alternative lifestyles which are overused in internet type disucssion boards.
Anyway, I thought this discussion was going to be about whether or not Rollins ruined Black Flag. While I really like albums that Black Flag put out while he was singer such as Slip It In and My War, I didn’t dig it when he sang classic Black Flag songs like Jealous Again or Nervous Breakdown.
I can’t believe someone actually made the effort to tell another person they hated their shoes. That person has a problem.
I like the phrase “ability to attempt to do kickflip nose manuals” in Zed word’s comment. Attempt – and never stick. How true that rings about a large number of expensive skate shoe wearing ollie hoppers. Vans do the job nicely, and isn’t HR wearing Vans in the photos?
cold ones: and how ’bout Kira and Dukowski? Both rad as hell I say. One a real muso and one a real instigator. I like “the bars”.
Tom Miller Says:
February 24th, 2009 at 9:31 pm
“Assuming I had the same opportunities for endorsements, etc. I
I think nascar uses more gas than Rollins. fools from every class love nascar. I could see Rollins as a nascar racer someday.
First off Henry is still cool. The guy has infiltrated the mainstream and helps spread the word of hundreds of great bands, books, and people. Henry is a great person. He has accomplished way more in life than I ever will. He helps all those USO soliders. Henry is still cool hes a fully grown functional adult now.
Believe me Black Flag changed my life. NOONE EVER SCREAMED on a record before Hank did it on my war. Not a full force powerful scream. That had as much impact as the black Sabbath riff on music.
Henry was cool, is cool, and will always be cool Jack.