Del Mar close out
You can buy this Tech Deck Del Mar pool replica for anywhere from $30-$60 online, or under $8 (not a typo) in store at select Target stores on clearance.
You can buy this Tech Deck Del Mar pool replica for anywhere from $30-$60 online, or under $8 (not a typo) in store at select Target stores on clearance.
sweet, a pre-fab bowl for my backyard
Looks cheap and website sucks.
That’s not a replica,it’s a rendition.
dude, it’s a kids toy. It wasn’t made for oldtimers to get misty over.
I think this TechDeck ashtray beats any of the INDY ashtrays, which have horrible transitions, and are horribly out of scale.
Plus the drain looks functional, so it will be easier to clean after a party.
It is an ashtray, right?
It certainly has more capacity.
I just got one, and the drain is functional, so you can use it as a chip bowl at your skate theme party, or you can put ice in it and keep two beers cold (until the ice melts and drains out) get the last of them and use em as center pieces at your skate-themed wedding….(or just have cause they’re cool…).
Almost tempted for a second. Then I remembered I really skate.
nice one skaterdave!
Um, since you brought it up, do you have insight on how one would find out which Target stores are select? (The target site was no help…). Tanks.
March your butt over there and look, or call them.
Got one in the display case at the shop it was donated .