Far East Billiards
I love watching videos from the Far East Skate Network. They sweat skills and poop creativity. Keep watching, because just when you think you know their next move, they throw a curveball.
– Thanks to t Skate D for the tip.
I love watching videos from the Far East Skate Network. They sweat skills and poop creativity. Keep watching, because just when you think you know their next move, they throw a curveball.
– Thanks to t Skate D for the tip.
Real nice and fun to watch, no look at me-look at my face-see how awesome I am type of self gratuitous(got that word from tag cloud) ego driven video.
Very nice, although the music kept reminding me of that awful Peralta video Attack
Just when you think all hope is gone,there is another creative skate video!
Very nice!
Love the two color switches at 55 and 57. Notice the green guy shoving the white cue ball guy at 33. I’m still trying to figure out what the pink skater represents.
You guys are just now seeing this? Good god. But that’s killer!
Yeah, but that’s okay. We’d already incorporated visual puns into our vocabulary.
This would be cool if it were during the opening ceremony for the Olympics. But it’s not, so it’s not. Choreography is for Boom Boom Huck Jam and Primo and Diane. You can have it.
really? what a sad, bitter, hate filled little life you must lead…
I’d rather see it in an independent video than on the opening ceremony for the Olympics.
primo and diane had a seaworld show, with choreographed dolphin airs.
Creativity and skateboarding, it’s like gas to a car, bullets to a gun, peanut butter to jelly.
Yeah, nice to see some one trying to be different
I saw no smiling throughout the video, so it must be serious.
Which is how I like my skateboarding.