Tom Mcguigan (R.I.P.) memorial session
Tom Mcguigan passed away on last Sunday due to complications from a severe case of pneumonia. He was a local fixture at the Corvallis, Oregon skate park, a good friend to our friend Josef Heffner, and according to those he left behind, a potential friend to anyone who skated at any level. There is a memorial session for him on Saturday the 16th at the Corvallis Oregon skatepark at 1pm. If you can’t make it to the session, feel free to leave a note in the comments here.
UPDATE: It’s not just a session. It’s an informal gathering of friends and family.
thanks for the post. Tom will be greatly missed
Broseff- Sorry for your loss. Tommy was a good kid and his parents are amazing people. Never Forget!
the world just lost an amazing skater and friend tom and everyone close to him will be in our thoughts
The new bowl should have something dedicated to Tom.
Live on with his memory. I never knew him, but a skater that has past deserves 100%.
his friends gathered and had a raging ramp/drinking/smoking session after his memorial in the rain at the local park. He would have loved it
was very sorry to hear this. didnt know him,still,very sorry to hear it. Sounds like his friends honored him well. Too young. RIP Tom. Eternal Memory.
i’m actually gonna go get some new Ink to memorialize him….
Tommy Mcguigan is my little brother. Id like to thank all that attended his memorial in Corvallis on Saturday. Thank you for all the support and respect that was shown to my parents. Id like to thank Josef, mike, paul, derrick and lance for there continued friendship and loyalty to my brother. Some of you I know, the rest of you Id love to meet. As most of you know his friends were his life. I hope you can all attend his memorial skate this summer when we come out to spread his ashes. Remember to let the ones you love, how much you love them while there here. We love you Tommy!!!!
Tom’s farewell that his father read at his memorial
thanks for posting that, it was good to read it since i didnt catch every word at the memorial. rip in peace Tom.
The BCSA will be working to name the Phase 1 bowl after Tom and include a memorial to him in our Corvallis Skatepark expansion plans. We will also be holding a memorial skate session for him this summer. We will be discussing this at a Public Meeting at Papas Pizza in Corvallis this Monday (Feb. 1) in Corvallis. Please contact the BCSA for more info and to offer your suggests. Our sincerest thoughts go out to all his relatives and friends.
Tom was my lover,teacher,protector and bestfriend. He inspired me to try many new things including skateboarding. Tom is a huge part of who i am today. i will always and forever cherish the time i had with him and i know he will always be watching over me. Rest in peace tommy and know you will always be loved and in our hearts!
<3 Always ~Kattie~
I’m so sorry to learn of the loss of Tommy. May he rest in peace and all of the family find peace in knowing that he is no longer suffering and with our Lord. Blessings and prayers, Cathleen Slone, St. Louis, MO