Best $75 trucks ever (for your fingerboard)
That’s right. $75 professional quality replacement trucks for your fingerboard. My kids have handfulls of Tech Decks, and the axles on the trucks are always the first thing to break. I’ve switched out trucks and wheels for my kids so many times… but this is just a smidge too much. I suppose if you’re going to go ahead and spend $30 on replacement wheels, with bearings even, you’d want them to go on a quality truck. They even sell replacement parts for Black River trucks, like axles, bushings and kingpins. Of course, you’ll want to spend anywhere from $26 – $52 on a fingerboard deck. You could save money by picking up a complete for $28 to $60. These things seem to be a European manufacturing phenomenon, (France, Germany, Poland, three brands out of the Czech Republic!) but there are American brands included.
The verbiage on the box seems to insinuate that there is such thing as a “professional” fingerboarder?
People who are concidered “professional” have attainded said status after aquiring a sponsor and reaching the highest rank in the sponsorship.
I could only justify such a stupid fucking purchase in two scenarios.
One: My son is Stuart Little and after much practice on his Nash scooby-doo tech deck, he asks for a real complete on his birthday. Or,
Two:Simply to prank the shit out of a homie by finding a way to drill tiny holes in his board and switch those things out with his real trucks while he’s sleeping.
Could you imagine? Oh, I know me neither!
Jesus christ ! Really !
I cant believe people spend that kind of money on something as silly as that. Thats like my whole months worth of gas .
they cost more than real trucks!!!!!
here comes the fat kid pro tour.
Hold on, a third scenario is that I live like Charlie Bucket from Willy Wonka, like family of 7 all living in like a 12×8 shed, and I’d come home with what appears to be a giant ham from the butcher to feed everyone, and I’d be all, I just spent the last of our copper on this and it should hold us over till papa finds work…and then they tear away at the ham to find these tiny trucks wrapped deep in a bundle of paper.
i feel soooo ashamed because of this stupidfuckingshit because blackriver is a german brand and i am german, too…….
Can I get replacement bushings for these in different hardnesses? I’m considering turning pro in fingerboard downhill. Kind of a niche within a niche…
You’re gonna wanna ditch those sloppy-ass tiny cast trucks for some tiny precisions so the tiny amount of slop doesn’t contribute to tiny, tiny speed wobbles.
My kids are constantly having the trucks fall off the tech decks. You can’t even buy those damn little bushings. Does anybody know where you can get them. I need about a dime bag size bag full of them.
just take an earcleaner and cut it to the size of a bushing or you could get a set of kingpins for
3$ and o ringz bushings for a better fingerboard truck also with the kingpins the bolts wont fall of the stock kingpin
Not Rad!
Tactic in strategic nerd infiltration plan – executed.
Next, Star Trek themed mini ramp at comic-con.
So where can I get good dropthroughs for my long fingerboard? We’ve been doing slalom races on the slide at my local YMCA swimming pool…
I was going to send in my video but Flatface is currently not sponsoring.
@ ashamed,
good one jer…fat kid pro tour, I like that
I rolled my index finger last night, so I guess I can’t fingerboard for a couple of months…
The Ytrucks are nicest for less $$
Fingerboarding should be every skater hobbie… you can do all the skate tricks with your fingers while you are setting on your butt
it helps you to understand how some tricks work and it is a good exercise for any open minded skater 
Did anybody understand that Euro-dude’s post?
Anyway, here’s the deal: That shit is ridiculous. If they were $0.75, I could see hooking my kid up, but I just showed him this post, and he asked me if we can go across the street to the schoolyard and “ride our real big-guy skateboards.”
So, that’s were I’m going. He’s 4, and thinks this shit is lame.
from the mouths of babes…
Is finger boarding a sport or is it an expression of art?
Will it become an olympic event?
$4.20 for a replacement fingerboard kingpin. Completes cost the same as a real board. Not sure what planet this is, but where do I sign up to start my own fingerboard company?
Nice, while my left shoulder recovers from an actual skateboarding injury I can work on getting on the team(!!!).
I would Only Recommend blackriver trucks to somone who is deeply into and good @ fingerboarding at fingerdecks .com you can get thier d4 complte 4 around 30$ with bearing wheels
man i thought i spent too much paying 65 bucks for my aggressive inline fingerblades.
They are nice trucks but for that price you could order hundreds from china
Trucks da +BlackRiver+
These trucks suck and break easily do not get them. The price fools you on how good they are. The last three pairs I have had broke within the first week I had them.
You’re not supposed to actually stand on ’em
Look,As a fingerboarder myself. I find that BRR are a humougous rip off the trucks tend too break within a month. If you want quality fingerboards go too prowood.com you can get a complete for around 50 dollers and the trucks tend too last longer then BRR’s.