CHiPs in Español Portuguese
Holy shit. The things I do for you people. I’ve been trying to get this damn episode of CHiPs ready for prime time on S&A for some time now. I rented the damn thing from the library. It got stuck in my computer’s DVD drive and absolutely would not come out. I got a new computer out of it, thanks to the Best Buy extended warranty. Seriously. The tech dudes said it would be too much work to take the iMac apart and get the drive out. Of course, the old one was only a week old. This was back in January, and I never got the disc back so I had to buy the whole season used off Amazon to avoid paying full retail for the replacement. I had a hard time digitizing this too. in the end, the only thing I could get for some reason was the Spanish voiceover. I’m not making this up. So enjoy the first installment of the “Neighborhood Watch” episode. Or rather, the skateboard related parts. I edited out the other unrelated bits like the drunk driving and insurance scam parts. Ponch and John cross paths with a troubled skateboarding youth caught in the crossroads. Headed down a path of self destruction, alienation, and one can only hope.. Punk Rock. Can Ponch and John save him? Holy cow, isn’t that the kid who played Oliver on the Brady Bunch? Catch part one today. Part two is when the skatebaord action really kicks in to high gear. Sorry about the Español. Variflex and Russian YouTube for everyone!
Watch part two.
Stupid kids!
Hey Kilwag, what season was that episode in?
Thanks for posting. I remember how stoked and at the same time horrified I was that they did a skate episode.
Hey isn’t that a boy version of Little Miss Sunshine? And by the way, the voiceover is in PORTUGUESE! hahahaha
Hey, Netflix has Season 2 DVD’s for rent. I just
put that shiite in my queue. Thanks for reminding me
to look for that, they must have just released it.
it’s radar o’reilly before he got drafted into korea.
too funny , skateboarding always a rebel!
That is cousin Oliver! CHIPS was a great show. I can enjoy it more now, because I used to cringe anytime some t.v. show depicted skateboarding or punks back then. Don’t they take those kids to Reseda Skatercross?
Maybe that’s in the Valley Girl episode .
I saw “Ponch” one time at Topanga Beach in LA. He was talking to some dude and cussing like a sailor. It was pretty funny.
Muy bien!
you know ponch is serious when he takes off his helmet, and breaks out that magic hair.
hay caramba! finally you put something i can understando!!!
you don’t rent stuff from the library
Bobo – Season 2
Kilwag, thank you for upload this. I`m searching this episode of Chip`s for a long time, because this was the first time I saw a skateboard and changed my life. But this version is in portuguese, the language we speak in Brazil. Perfect to me!