Allow to cool before serving
On Sunday we set the coping (Tedders Stone) at MC’s bowl… well, Mike Swm and Burke were the chief technicians. The rest of us were apprentice “hose boys” and the like. There was a lot more fiddling and adjusting than I thought there would be. It was pretty straight forward, but time consuming. The whole thing took about as much time as the bowl pour itself. I took a couple pictures before settling down to work, and then Grover got behind the lens. The finished bowl looks beautiful. The tile really adds a lot to the end result. Three days and it should be ready to ride.
So nice!
So nice! I have to affix some Tedder pool coping to a wood 1/4 pipe. Do I use liquid nails? Anyone have experience mating pool coping to a wood deck?
this guy in lebanon has a little 1/2 pipe and used liquid nails and there are no cracks on it, it looked great and he had it in for over a year w/o any problems, plus that stuff is soft enough to flex a little.
Nice job on the landscaping.
Congrats MC on your little piece of heaven!
Looks soooo niiisssscch. pieace of art
Thanks to everyone who pitched in. I’m the luckiest boy in the world.
looks sick, did the little QP get coping too?
Bill bowlrider: you can also pick up a piece of cement board at home depot , you screw the cement board to the deck of the qp then you can mortar the coping to it, i did it to my mini but used bricks as coping and it worked out great.
Very nice What else could you want in your backyard.
I like the photo of Bryce sitting on the cooler drinking a beer while Mark does all the work. Classic!
Bryce was in there as much as anyone, but that photo was too funny to pass up. Grover saw that scenario and decided it needed to be documented.
Sexy concrete!!
i think Bryce sat for a bit, but as soon as he got up, i was sitting on that cooler watching dudes work. Nothing fascinates me more than people actually working.
I don’t take smoking breaks, but that cooler break seems like a good idea. Speaking of work, anyone hiring part time? I’ll bring the cooler.
wow that looks so nice. congrats to all, especially the proud poppa.
what’s next? is there a deck pour coming up?
I had the pleasure of skating there today: best bowl ever.
Sometimes shit ain’t gotta be crazy gnarly.