The Joker and The Batman
I found this picture uncredited on one of those image amalgamation web sites. It actually had a WB watermark in the bottom corner. Heath Ledger was known to pick up a skateboard, who knows, maybe he had a kickflip in him…. It looks like a photoshop job though, especially with the board backwards. Regardless, the end result is a good one. Full frame after the jump.
The Joker kickflips over the Batman

It’s a photoshop job. Scoop of chocolate, scoop of vanilla. Don’t waste my time.
Google “joker skateboard heath” under images or click this link: joker skateboard heath. Note the image of Heath kickflipping into the bowl and then check out the image I took at the Weathersfield Skatepark in 2007. It seems placing a copyright on the photo doesn’t stop folks from altering it for their own purposes.
In that case, it’s two copyrights.
Looks like a pressure flip to me… and that’s wrong on so many levels isn’t it?
the Joker rode Trackers, who knew
wow!!! this a good art!!! yeah!!! http://www.skatevideosgt.com
meta tags in the head of your html documents keep robots from indexing your shit and posting your images so people can poach them.
looks like a impossible