Best coffin shaped skateboard… EVER!!!
I’m not one for the unprovoked posting of a bunch of product releases as ‘news’ but the Riprider from Creature has got to be the coolest thing I’ve seen in forever and a day. It’s so simple, obvious… and beautiful. I’m gushing. Hey N.H.S., hook a brother up! Oh wait, I just blew my bargaining chips…
Say what you want, I don’t care. I hope this is real and not just a gag. (Hold on, were these plastic skateboards made in china? I hope so, for the sake of authenticity! ) Click to enlarge.
pretty sweet…do we know how much?
An instant classic. Buy it now, sell it for more on ebay!
i want this board so bad but where do i buy it from?
Actually, the only thing they got wrong – it should not have grip tape.
That is bad ass…
i want one.
Does it glow in the dark? It should.
i think you meant to type “it better” rather that “it should” there.
i would ride it barefoot…..mmmmmm slash the sidewalk bro
stupid no one nos wat u mean
love this skateboard grids amazingly on pipes
where do i buy?
what an awesome plastic piece of shit! i want one! id put money that this must be the subject of a heated debate over on skull & bones
Davoud, exactly when did the laughter die for you?
This is an awesome plastic piece of shit. I htink htat’s the point. How awesome remains to be seen, and will be inversely proportional to the amount they charge for it.
Davoud has some strange bug up his ass about Concrete Wave and Skull&Bones. Live and let live my friend.
Apparently the Riprider is going to cost around $150, which is pretty much going to kill anybody actually buying one. Bad, bad idea. At $65 they’d sell a ton of them. At $150? No.
And are Skull Skates going to ban NHS employees from their stores now?
randy i was being serious, it IS awesome. i think my main complaint is that it looks like the coffin is made out of cardboard instead of wood.
$150????? That blows it.
It seems that every skate distribution house has to offer its own “Zip Zinger” type of complete these days. But $150 for a plastic model? C’mon!
$150! Whoa! I would have gotten one for the novelty/packaging/foot-rest but that’s a lot of beans!
The second to last line on the promo should replace “deadly pace” with “deadly price“
actually it’s $125. You can order ’em from calskates. Still, $125. That’s about $50 too much.
there’s another company out there that makes some spectacular coffin shaped decks out of wood, and they even screen print the graphics on them!
The name of that company escapes me… but I do know they’re from the NW.
As houseofneil said, over at Cal’s we’ve got them up for preorder. They have been seriously popular in the last few weeks!
We’ve got them for $124.95, which as far as we know is the cheapest on the net: http://www.calsk8.com/skateshop/creature-riprider-complete-p-2344.html
Nope..We’ve got em cheaper $113 IN STOCK w/ FREE shipping
for over a hundred bucks, you’d think it would come with indy’s…
Man those decks are awsome but expensive I mean $125 or $150 that’s a rip
off.They should be like $50 or $60.
i fucking need this shit dude
dude this thing is killer. i want one bro how much are they
I saw raven tershay roll into the deep end of battle ground during trifecta on a creature riprider. I wouldnt mind having one but there is no way in hell I could justify buying one even if i did have the money.
booskateboards makes a street coffin not a plastic jesus icon of a model but a real hard to the bone killer street deck in any size you want
A good wooden coffin isn’t too hard to find, but this is a first time a plastic one was ever made. It’s cool.
justught mine last night on amazon.com for $132.00
tond theres re
$132? Man, you must have cash to burn.
The new creature brue killer boards seem a little more practical. The ones with the built in bottle openers on the bottom of the deck. I cant afford a pot to piss in though. I am on unemployment and I owe Oregon state 200 bucks for income tax for last year. Waaaaah. I can still afford a pbr though. haha
i just got mine for 129$ but thats still ALOT of cash, but hopefully it will be worth it
In Norway they cost like 253$.. =( luckily I’m buying mine from the internet =D (much cheaper)
Dont get one of these! I wanted one of these so bad until I went to the store and checked it out. They are unbelievably heavy and not worth the cool factor.
i got one of these theyre sick for rippin pools!
I love this board. I have one of em and it is really awesome. Harder to do kickflips and shit but I love it.
this skate board rocks and got it for only 65.95$ sweet