Skateboarding Bratz. They’re no Vertibirds.
Let’s compare the progress of the motorized toy skateboard to the motorized toy helicopter. Vertibird debuted in the early 70’s. I’m guessing the first battery powered tethered controller skateboard was around the time. Today you can buy a radio controlled helicopter that will fly indoor and unfettered for less than $50. The only advancement made in RC skateboards is the ability to play girlie punk-lite music from the controller. You’ll still be spinning 360’s and popping wheelies, albiet Fashion Flippin’ ones. In favor of Vertibirds: Pretend to be on a Coast Guard rescue, police patrol, or Nasa spaceship recovery mission. 30 years later with the Bratz you can pretend to be a tarted up teenage prostitute on a skateboard. Check out the commercial and more after the jump.
Bratz RC X-treme SkateBoarding Commercial
It’s often enough to just add a few snarky comments and post a commercial to watch. Sometimes there is just too much to ignore. This commercial is great for many reasons. It’s got the classic ingredients of the double take. An unassuming young girl outdoes a boy on skateboard, but that’s not the interesting bit. You’ll notice that it’s OK to try Wild Style 360’s at home on your own, but they definitely don’t want you trying a wheelie. They don’t even call it a manual. They disolve to a live action 360, but somehow equate a wheelie to a boardslide down a rail.
The guy in the commercial looks like a b-grade Bam Margera impersonator. [Bam photo on right from Bamargera.com – Who knew?]
Check out the half pipe. You could really shred some fingerboards on that setup.
At first I thought they found a young girl to do the stunts, and do them well. Nice bomb drop and bone out in the bowl! Looking closer at the these screen captures makes it apparent that they dressed up a boy as a girl for a stunt double. Must have been the highlight of his young life, having his eyebrows plucked and wearing leggings, a skirt and a tiny padded bra… Compare the two shots and judge for yourself.
One last shot of the commercial. Looks like it was shot at Skatelab. I’m sure someone over at Concrete Disciples knows the scoop.
If you still don’t know what a Vertibird is, check out this picture and Sam’s collection (of horrible photographs). Since 2000 or so another company has been making a new version under the name Chopper Command. You can pick them up for about $15 at Target. I know because I bought one. I have a video tape about an hour long of late night drunken Vertibird-on-cat action. Some people with too much time on their hands have taken to replacing the helicopter bodies with scale model kits and beefing up the motors to compensate for the extra weight. Other people with too much time figure out ways to incorporate Vertibirds into posts about toy skateboards.
More Vertibird Action
Sam’s Toy Box Bad pictures. Some rare versions and clones.
Vertisim Very cool Vertibird SIM for computers. PC only but free. It even has a module for the Coast Guard rescue ship. Bitchin!.
Whirlybird Central At one time this was the resource for Vertibirds and clones. it looks like it recently re-launched and all the old posts are gone.
Nostaglia Vertibird Page A few more pictures of old sets, plus intsructions to covert from battery to AC power.
Build Your Own Vertibird Project Making one from scratch! Plus a gallery of old Vertibirds.
Toy Room Collectibles lots of pics plus reproductions of parts for sale.
Vertibird.biz Vintage Vertibird sales, parts, service and repair. No kidding.
Worlds Collide: Beth got me Vertebird at the Discovery Store yesterday…
wildstyle! too bad they didn’t set up the gauntlet! muahaha.
I’ve heard she’s been giving that stuff out to all those graffiti guys.
You think this is bad? Imagine how I felt when they came out with “super gymnast barbie” when I was little. GIRLS DON’T DO PARALLEL BARS YOU TWITS!
I like to think of my skateboard as a little balance beam.
I like to think of you as a little Barbie on parallel bars.
The Bratz dolls are evil and should just go away. Or should be more accurately renamed Slutz.
Hey you shouldint be dising bratz because thier really cool and some people unlike yuo loser big shots acatully like them uoy bunch of idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!
what language is that? And why is Derek playing with Bratz dolls???
good bratz! and she best then barbie! gooooo rockkkk yasmin!!!!