What is Control?
What is Control?
Control (kan-trol) 1. To exercise a directing, regulatory, or governing influence over. Control and quality service go hand-in-hand at Control Products. There’s only one reason the manufacturers that we represent have chosen us, and that’s because we deliver. As soon as your order is received, it is processed. No sitting around on the shipper’s clipboard. Getting the products off the shelf and shipped to you is not only good control, but a good demonstration of how we care about our dealers, and that quality service is what you can expect from Control Products.
Quality (kwole’te) n. 1. That which makes something such as it is; a distinguishing element or characteristic. 2. The basic or essential character of something. 3. Excellence: to aim for quality rather than quantity. 4. The high degree of excellence.
Service (sûr’vis) n. 1. Assistance or benefit afforded another: to render a service. 2. A useful result or product of labor that is not a tangible commodity.
Control Products: Your total resource for surfing and skateboarding equipment.
CONTROL PRODUCTS Surfing Equipment
Box 5685, Santa Monica, CA U.S.A., (213) 822-3335
Dealers only write or call for free cataloque
Company/Brand: Control Products
Product Type: Distributors
Decade: 70's
Year: 1976
Magazine: Skateboarder
Issue: Skateboarder V2 N6 August 1976
Country: USA