Skate and Annoy Features

eBay Watch: September/October 2005

Lots of decks this period, so be happy. I skated a bunch and still found time to scour eBay for you dudes!! Lucky you. No seriously. . . .

Santa Cruz/SMA

More Salbas. I have this one, and in this colorway. Problem is, mine is beat to hell and all scratched up. This voodoo looks in great condition. $997.

The tiger just keeps going up and up. Who knows where it’s going to end? This one went for $555. It is sweet in green however.

Here’s a weird one. A tiger misprint. Looks like the orange screen went missing somewhere, leaving a white and blue tiger. Me like. $393 seems cheap.

We know how much a mint voodoo Salba goes, but how much would a used one go for? This sweetie in white paint went for $223. The graphics really pop on the white. Probably my favorite colorway for this graphic

Fuck I hate this graphic. Hate it. It looks like a cheap department store deck to me. Still, some like it though. $375.

And this one might be even worse. Jimbo Philips should have taken up a different line of work. $350? You must be shitting me.

Ooooh. A mint Jessee Neptune shark tail model. A freaking classic, but this colorway blows. Sorry. You seldom see this graphic mint though. $711.

The Jessee sungod. Mint and glorious in this colorway. Excellent. Just excellent. $643.

Aaah. Save the best for last. The Corey O’Brien reaper in an excellent olive green stain. Sweeet. $423.


The deck that started the Bulldog comeback. The Shogo Kubo rising sun dragon. I remember seeing these on the web at the original z-boys site. It seemed expensive at the time at around $80. This just went for $1001. Anyone have that time machine?

This one is a very popular deck these days. The Dogtown Aaron “Fingers” Murray tidal wave. I just love the scalloped edges. Excellent $316.

The holy grail for a lot of collectors. The original Dogtown Bigfoot. You never see the original minty fresh like this. That probably explains the $2500 price tag. Of course, last period a minty fresh one went for $3500, so who the hell knows.

How much for a beaten up Bigfoot? This one went for $510. Graphics are all there. Remove the stickers and clean it up, and you probably add a grand to the price.

Powell Peralta

You don’t see this one very often at all. The Per Welinder freestyle model. The streestyle deck is pretty common, but not this little guy. Looks like it’s complete with Indy 101s (1st gen?), but the wheels look far too big for this flipper. $305. Ditch the Transworld sticker.

Ooh, an original Mullen freestyle deck, and in good shape too. $560.

I never did care for the Lance Mountain “Future Primitive” in black, but what do I know. This one went for $860.

How about one of the later Powell McGills? After he dropped the skull and snake and went to the aquarium motif. Some people must like it, because this one went for $260. (I never even knew this existed. k-ed)

This is one of the few Hawk graphics I actually like. It’s the Hawk birdclaw, and is tough to find. It’s especially nice in white. $548 (Neil is from the U.K., so he also likes warm beer! K-ed.)

And how about the classic Hawk “chicken skull” bottlenose? Most go in the $250 range, but some colors are rarer than others. This lime one went for $416.

Ray Barbee decks rare? I guess so. This hydrant model went for $300. Not bad.

How about some Vallelys? This elephant in red went for $450. Is that a Jimmy Z’s sticker on the tail?

Oh what a different a color makes. This yellow one went for $1525. A full thousand dollars more. Unreal. Yes, the yellow is nice, but come on!!

How about in white? $999?

And how about in red and signed? $500

While we are on the subject, has a reissue deck ever been more highly anticipated than the Powell Vallely? And has the result ever been more disappointing? It blows. Flat out blows. From the decision to have it say Powell Classic instead of Powell Peralta, to the bad heat transfer graphic that’s not even on straight, to the decision to make the elephant grey instead of blue, to the laziness of the “screener” to not cut out the holes in the elephant’s ears. It’s just pure laziness, and Powell should be ashamed of this piece of crap.


The Skull Skates Social Distortion deck. Slightly used, but not too bad. Always a favorite. $212.

A real taste of 1983. When graphics were small and lame. This G&S Billy Ruff wizard is rare as rare can be, but there isn’t much of a market for Billy Ruff these days (or purple wizards on pink decks for that matter). $227

A cool Natas deck from 101. A sweet, updated take on his classic black cat graphics. $405.

And here’s a very early Natas. An SMA, 2nd model Natas that’s been mis-screened. I had this deck, in this colorway, but mine was correctly screened. Probably my favorite deck of all time. I had mine set up with Thunders and Bullets. I even had the yellow Natas rails on it. Problem was, I couldn’t skate like Natas. But who can. $338.

The World Industries Jesse Martinez “man sized model”. Nice. $325. (From the ealry days of World before they became a toy company. Jesse’s got to be kicking himself for selling his shares of the company k-ed)

Now here’s another real classic. The Schmitt Stix John Lucero on natural wood. $483 seems kind of cheap to me. Some thing else that’s cheap is Black Label reissuing these classic graphics on crappy large popsicles. Come on John, who wants a piece of Blender artwork on a popsicle with a huge Black Label logo on it. That’s just not right.

A later printing of the original Gonz deck by Vision. Why later? No wheel wells. Earlier ones had them. Still a great looking deck though. $687.

And again, this time complete and w/ white paint. It doesn’t work as well without the neon orange, pink and yellow. It just feels flat. $510 still isn’t bad though.

Talking of Neil Blender, here’s his famous Coffee Break graphic on a deck with serious problems. Or is it just the camera work? Anyway, it went for $255 if you were curious.

Ever wondered how much a mint deck from a lesser known pro from the 80s would go for? Maybe you’re harboring a Kele Rosencrans or a Cameron Tabbytite. Well, this Dave Crabb Toxic deck went for $97, so unfortunately your deck probably isn’t going to get enough for you to retire on.

Finally we have a Flyaway helmet. This one is super nice, with the neon colors and starbursts. $310.

See you next time



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