Skate and Annoy Features

eBay Watch: September/October 2003

A mixed period of the usual crap, but then an immense rarity went up, and sure enough it drew an enormous price.


Now here’s a clever boy. This same Allan ‘Ollie” Gelfand went off in June, just 2 months previously for $450. The buyer stripped the Vans sticker off of the tail, took off the tailblock and put it up on eBay again. Presto! $100 profit! It went for $550 this time around!

Here’s a beautiful Cab full dragon from 1986. Silver paint and pristine graphics. $307. I wonder if the reissue will hurt the price of the originals? The reissue sure is nice.

And here’s a Steve Steadham in pink and purple. Strange wear pattern on this one. Almost looks like the owner wanted to make it look like he skated hard, so he took a file to it. $315.


Two weird Zorlacs this time. The first is this John Gibson. It features the original Pushead graphic, but an on early 90s shape. I’d never seen it before. $182.

The we have this VERY early Zorlac snub-nosed pig, featuring beveled rails, like an early Sims deck. A really unusual and rare specimen. $275.


Two oldies here. First up is a regular Lonnie Toft wood deck, complete with wooden tailblock, Trackers and what looks like original Bones. $246.

Then we have the Lonnie Toft 8-wheeler. Actually, this might not be a Sims at all. It might be a Wee Willie Winkie 8-wheeler, but it looks very similar to the Sims, so there you go. $727. I don’t think that price included the trucks and wheels. I’m pretty sure it was the deck only. (Wee Willie Winkie?! Tee hee. – k.ed)


Here’s a World Industries Ron Chatman deck. I’m sure this does all kinds of funky shit under a blacklight. $416. Groovy baby.

A classic: the original Vision Gator in a striking green paint. These have plummeted in value though. This fine example only went for $239. A couple of years ago it would have fetched far more. The reissue probably killed the interest of the casual collector who just wanted the stripey graphic.

Then we have a rare Alva Hosoi. Not the super rare 1st model pig that went off in June, this is a modified graphic and shape, verging on the hammerhead that would be world famous. Beat up, but still worth $380 to somebody.

Another JFA. Yawn. $177.

However this is a little more interesting: the JFA Don Lincoln model. Horrendous shovelnose, but rare as hell. $232.

Here’s a typical early 90s World Industries deck. The 1991 Jeremy Klein “Mario Brothers” deck. Super lame IMHO. Didn’t stop someone shelling out a cool $300 though.

Remember Liberty Skateboards? Put out by Mike Smith in the late 80s? I always liked this one: the Todd Congeliere Polar Bear. $132.

Another Jason Lee Burger King. $200. Big whoop. I know I know, Randy likes it. (err… I do? that’s news to me. -k.ed)

This Bulldog Shogo Kubo is only a couple of years old, but was very limited. I thought of buying one because Shogo was one of my favorite skaters in the 70s. I never did though, and now it’s too late. $177.

Ever wondered what one of the old banners might set you back? If it’s a desirable graphic, a pretty penny. This Santa Cruz screaming hand cost some rich person $325.

Dogtown Wes Humpston? $317, and why not. Personally I dig the Lazer Trucks sticker on the side.

I don’t put wheels up very often, but this set of original green Kryptonics was so beautiful I couldn’t ignore it. These were the shit, at least in my part of England they were. The hardest wheels you could buy (90A) I believe. And see-through. $215.

This was a very interesting piece. A vintage Turner SummerSki slalom complete, with Stroker trucks and what looks like Kryptonics. A beautiful piece that still looks fully functional. You don’t see slalom stuff too often, especially of this vintage or quality. $1525.

Here’s a sweet Natas 101 deck. It revisits the black cat theme, but in a stylized, cool jazz kind of way. I like it. $250.

And finally we have the big one. The 101 Natas “Satan” deck. At the top of everybody’s wish list. So rare it’s almost an urban legend. $5,107. You don’t see much go for over $5k these days, but this is an exception. Wowzer.

See Ya next time.



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