Skate and Annoy Features

eBay Watch: October 2002

Check it out.

Some classic Dogtowns went off in October, and one historical piece didn’t go off because it didn’t meet the high reserve. First up we have a used Bigfoot that must have belonged to a crusty Brit punk lover. Dig the GBH and Exploited stickers! The skid plate looks wooden and homemade. $975.

Next to it we have a sweet early Jim Muir in very nice shape. $850.

Next we have a Shogo Kubo. We only saw the top, but I assume it’s in great condition because the top looks unridden. $707

Talking of the Shogo Kubo Triplane, this classic complete fetched $1,325, and looks to be worth every penny. It has Tracker trucks and Yoyo wheels. Very very nice.

Then we have the Dogtown that didn’t meet its reserve, despite being bid up to $6000! Anymore and it would have beaten the Tony Hawk record. This Dogtown is supposedly the first production model, and as you can see, it is super clean. It didn’t sell though, so I’d imagine you’ll see it up again in the near future.

Of similar vintage are these two Z-Flex decks. The first is an undrilled Jimmy Plummer model that fetched $850.

This red undrilled Jay Adams that went for $995.

Powell Peralta

Nothing too spectacular this month. First up is this mint Lance Mountain Future Primitive II model. It went for $357, but the rarer first model goes for much more.

Next to it we have everybody’s favorite, the Vato Rat. This nice condition red one fetched $255.

Then we have this Vallely. The owner must have been colorblind, because I’ve never seen a worse variety of colors. Blue ribs and tailbone, black trucks with red copers, and 2 yellow wheels, one red and one green? Ouch babe. Maybe because of the color combination it only fetched $280, which is low for a Vallely in this condition.

Santa Cruz /SMA

Some classics this month! First up is this great condition Jeff Grosso which went for $305.

Next to it we have a mint Gregor Rankin (skater from New Zealand) that went for $283. The Rankin is very rare, but being an unknown skater, his decks aren’t in wide demand.

Now let’s hit the Natas decks. First up is this very rare Natas II model. It is a true SMA, and features the original “heart attack” shape. It is missing the black screen though as you can see. It probably shoUnder that we have the Santa Cruz Street Skate, which I include because it was my first “proper” skateboard. I was going to bid on it, but $213 was about $150 too high for me!uld have been tossed, but with Natas prices being so high it fetched $331.

Now let’s hit the Natas decks. First up is this very rare Natas II model. It is a true SMA, and features the original “heart attack” shape. It is missing the black screen though as you can see. It probably should have been tossed, but with Natas prices being so high it fetched $331.

Next to it we have both graphics of the 4th Natas. The Kitten that was the mini, and the straight on panther that was the full size. They are both mint, but the kitten is much rarer. The mini went for $350.

The full size went for $300.

Staying with Natas, in 1991 he left SMA to form his own company, 101. His first graphic was the infamous “satan” deck; a dig at everybody who always thought his name symbolized something. It is rare as fuck, and almost impossible to find mint. This one went up in October, but despite being bid up to $3450, it did not meet the reserve. Wow.


All of the John Grigley Old Ghost series always fetches big bucks, and this Hippie Stick was no exception. It went for $609. You seldom see them mint.

Next to it is the Gonz III, which is rare in this condition. $650.


First up is this Skull Skates Dave Hackett “street sickle” model, which has been signed by Hackett. Sweet looking board. $445.

Next to it is a great condition Sims Jeff Phillips “tie dye” model. Any Sims Jeff Phillips is collectible, and this one went for $473.

Next to it is a deck I’d never seen before: the Madrid “Ratfink”. Apparently somebody must remember it, because it went for $361. (I remeber it, but it’s likely the high price has more to do with the passing away of Ed Roth – ed)

Early World Industries decks are highly prized by collectors, and you don’t see them very often. Supposedly the wood was crappy and they would snap really easily, so maybe that’s why! Anyway, this “Think Crime” deck went for $425.

Next to it we have one of Kilwag’s favorite decks, the Zorlac Craig Johnson “Fire Demon”. It is rare as fuck mint, and even in this condition it fetched $142. Is that a Mark Lake Nightmare sticker by the back truck area?

It’s not just decks that are prized. This set of original Independent trucks went for $151. See how the shape has changed through the years? The hanger used to be like a “T”.

Similarly, this mint set of lime green Gullwings went for $122. I think there’s something special about the baseplates (magnesium perhaps) but I don’t remember.

And finally, when you thought it was all getting too ludicrous, here’s the capper for you. A Steve Steadham STICKER that went for $133. That’s when you know this world’s gone mad!

See ya next time.



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