Skate and Annoy Features

eBay Watch: November 2002

Some good stuff this month, but prices seem to be tumbling a little. There were some bargains to be had. It was a slow month overall.


First up is this pre production Dogtown, with the graphics hand drawn by Wes Humpston. It went for $800, which although decent, still seems like a bargain to me, considering that there might be less than 20 in the world.

Then we have this amazing complete Z-Flex Jay Adams. It’s in great condition, and is a bargain at $730 with Tracker trucks and Sims wheels.

Finally we have a deck by Wes’s new company, Bulldog Skates. It’s a limited edition pig deck, and it went for a large $455. A beautiful deck, but then all of the Bulldog decks are beautiful…

Powell Peralta

First up is this classic 2nd model Cab pig. It’s in great shape, and in a desirable red paint. $768.

Next to it is a very beaten up but very rare Powell Jay Smith. There weren’t many of these made, and a lot of people haven’t heard of him. He did the most amazing laybacks EVER. The rarity is reflected in the $226 price, despite the abused condition.

Then we have the classic Powell Vallely. It always gets big bucks, especially in white. $699.

Santa Cruz

This Jeff Kendall “Jagermeister” deck went for $310. I really like this graphic, and there is another version of it floating around with a camouflage background, which is super rare.

Now onto the Natas decks. Just 2 this month. The first is a misprint version of his 2nd pro graphic. It appears that the black screen was never applied to it, which you would think would kill its value. Not at all. This is such a rare deck that even this version went for $333. And to think, they were probably on the verge of binning it at the factory! (It looks like someone who worked at the factory must have brought home all the misprints. This is the second time we’ve seen a misprint like this in 2 months – k.ed)

And then we have the first Natas 101 deck: the Satan deck. It is super desirable, and VERY rare. This one was bid up to $3450 but didn’t reach the reserve. I imagine we will see it again. (Another repeat- k.ed)

Vision/Sims/Schmitt Stix

The first Agent Orange deck is very collectible, always fetching big bucks. This, the 2nd version, isn’t seen as much, but still fetched a hefty $481. Not bad.

Next to it we have the original Sims Jeff Phillips. You all remember it I’m sure. $758.

Band Boards

First up in the miscellaneous section this month are 4 band decks. First we have a Room 32 Samhain deck. It is very similar to the coffin-shaped Misfits decks that Room 32 also put out. This one went for $600. Those Danzig fans sure are dedicated! I didn’t know Satanists had so much green!

Next to that is a Bad Religion deck, which went for $350. I don’t know the year or who made it, sorry!

Then we have a Skull Skates Red Hot Chili Peppers complete. This one went for the relatively cheap price of $200. Hmm.

Finally we have the classic JFA Paisley deck. It’s a real beast (11”x32” I believe), but is a classic nonetheless. $321.


Our next batch features a G&S Neil Blender, an H-Street Danny Way and a Zorlac Scott Stanton. Blender decks have a huge following with collectors, especially mint ones. Some people just really dig the unusual graphics and shapes. This one went for $522.

Danny Way always goes big, as do his old decks. This one went for $300.

This Zorlac is a later model, after they had moved from Texas to San Diego. Collectors still love anything with the Zorlac name though, and this piece went for $399.

Think that new school decks have no value? Don’t tell that to the Jackass crew. Anything with Bam’s name fetches top dollar. This “Vote Bam” deck went for $202.

Finally we have a mint Flyaway helmet from the 70s. It even features the airbrushing that was so popular then. A steal at $153.

See ya in December.



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