Skate and Annoy Features

eBay Watch: March 2003

In March the market continued the upward trend that started in February. We had any number of decks that went for well over $1000, and that’s always the test. There are very few collectors that will spend four figures on a deck, and I count 6 decks that went for well over that this month!


First up, as always are the Santa Monica companies. We have 3 nice decks here. First up is this mint condition Z-Flex Jay Adams. A snip at $711.

Then we have an absolute classic. The Dogtown Shogo Kubo in pristine nick. It went for $1200, which sounds like a lot, but it is a very rare deck in this condition.

Then we have a new Bulldog Skates ?Wicked Skills” limited edition deck. Bulldog is putting out some truly unique product right now, and they deserve your support. This one went for $760, but they have regular decks in the $60 range too.

Powell Peralta

We have a great span of Powell decks here. First up is the very rare Jay Smith deck. Jay was the second Powell pro, following Ray ?Bones” Rodriguez. Allan Gelfand was the third. The Jay Smith is by far the rarest Powell signature deck, and the price of $1250 shows that, despite the horrible picture. Dude, put some of that $1250 towards a new digital camera!

Next to is the first Rodney Mullen deck Well used but still worth $338.

Then we have the obligatory Mike Vallely. $465.

Then we have this oddity. This came out in about 1991 when all of the companies were taking shots at each other. Blind made fun of Powell constantly, and spoofed their graphics. This was Powell’s attempt at retaliation, showing a blind skeleton, begging for change. Mega rare to the tune of $1600.


This first Gator isn’t actually a Vision deck, but I always think of Gator and Vision together, so there you are. This was Gator’s last deck I believe, and was made by a company called Fishlips. At one time it was claimed to be uber-rare, but since then a ton have surfaced. This one went for $405.

Next to it is a classic: the first Gonz. Despite the reissue, the original is still holding its value: $600.

Then we have an example of the volatility of eBay. This is the first GSD pro deck. Both are mint. The one on the left went for $372…

…while this one went for $157. Go figure. Somebody either got ripped off or got a helluva bargain. That’s eBay… (This one is not nearly as good of a coor scheme -k.ed)

Santa Cruz

Some regular suspects here. First up is this Santa Cruz Duane Peters with matching white Trackers. Seems like I’ve seen this board before? $484.

Next to it is the Jason Jessee Guadalupe: $355. That’s $100 more than a mint one went for in January. (They used the same photo from the January auction- same guy? – k.ed)

Then we have another Jessee board that is getting hotter and hotter by the month: the Jason Jessee “Hotrod”. About a year ago you could get it at some of the online shops for less than $100. This one went for $404, and it’s probably worth more now. Jason has a rep for hard skating and not taking any shit. That attitude, along with killer graphics makes him a huge favorite amongst collectors.


This month saw a Natas holy grail come and go, used though it was. The Natas 101 “Satan” deck has reached almost mythical proportions, and then one appeared on the bay. Used though it is it still fetched $1800.

The other Natas decks pale in comparison. The Crazy cat went for $157.

The drunk cat went for $150. Both still have the black cat and triangle motif that appeared on the first Natas deck, but barely.


Whoah. That’s all you can say about this stack of miscellaneous decks. First up is this old Zorlac. The first Craig Johnson model, the voodoo doll. Used but not abused. $536.

Next to it is an early World Industries Rodney Mullen deck. Mint purple stain. $800.

Then we have a Blind Jason lee. Remember what I said last month about Jason Lee collectors being mad with their money? This butt ugly “Burger King” deck went for $1,250. (This one looks sharper in person -k.ed)

Next to is a Steve Rocco-era SMA Jeff Hartsel deck. $350.

Then we have a new deck: a Misfits coffin deck made by Blitz/Subvert. It was made in a very limited run, as evidenced by this one. Only a couple of months after it was released this one fetched $250.

Finally this month we have another Jason Lee. This was one of those Blind decks I was talking about before: ones that spoofed Powell graphics. This one is a rip on the Hawk skull, putting a dodo skull on there instead. The meaning behind the imagery is pretty hard to miss. Again, like the Powell deck above, this is a great example of a stormy time in skateboarding, but $3,500? l leave as I came in. Whoah.

See Ya



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