Skate and Annoy Features

eBay Watch: March 2002

After the decline in February, things really picked up in March, with some real rare classics going for big prices. Here’s the scoop, organized by company.


First up is this new Dogtown Big Foot. I’m not quite sure what the deal with this deck is. I believe Humpston and Muir have been doing some graphics on new decks as limited editions, and this is one. It obviously isn’t the vintage BigFoot. It still is desirable however, because it fetched $1525.

No really old Dogtowns this month, but this next one is the Dogtown owned Suicidal Skates “Possessed to Skate” deck. Remember the video? A lot of you must, because it fetched $405 despite its well-used shape. As with most old decks, the stickers ruin it. Here’s a hint. If you are thinking of selling a deck, remove the stickers. That old “No Poseurs” sticker might have been funny when you were 12, but all it’s doing now is driving down the price of your stick

Dogtown had a lot of pros in the late 80s, some of which you’ve probably never heard. That doesn’t matter though, the graphics still rock. This “Big” Ben Schroeder went for a cool $200. Dig how the Dogtown cross morphs into the picture of Big Ben. Nice.


This was the month for the Alva airbrush decks obviously. We have 3 different models, all airbrushed by Mondo himself: Monk of “Thrashin” fame. First up is this very plain pig deck. Would you believe it fetched $500?!!

Then we have this pastel airbrushed hammerhead looking thing. Love the lapper and the tail guard! This went for $250, which isn’t bad complete. (Pretty good considering how fey this setup looks. – k.ed)

Finally, how about this true Alva hammerhead? I don’t mind this piece at all. It’s in great shape and the paintjob actually complements it. $420.

Powel Peralta

Lots of Powell action this month! Let’s start with what is to become the highest priced deck ever on eBay. That is a couple of months away however. This is Tony Hawk’s first ever pro model, and it showed up on eBay for the first time in March. It never made it to its last day of auction: somebody made a private bid on it, rumored to be in the $2000 range. Seems like a lot, but it went for 3 times as much a few weeks later! Here it is.

This old Cab went for $269 despite its condition. Early Powell pigs are always in demand. I think this is his 2nd model.

Now for another old pig. This McGill went for $466, probably because of its fine condition and great coloration. The graphics really pop on the white.

My first decent deck was the Powell ratbones. You don’t see it too often on the bay, but March saw a beauty. I thought about bidding for about 5 minutes, but it went up to $550: about $450 more than I would bid! Great condition. A classic deck.

Steadham’s always go for big bucks, but there have been a lot of them in recent months. This one went for $355. It’s in nice condition but I don’t dig the colors.

Another model that always goes high is the classic Vallely elephant. This mint one went for $835. Nice.

It’s not just decks that go for big $$ either. This late 80s Cross Bones jacket (remember these?) went for $202.

Despite the reissue of the classic Gonz and Gator graphics, originals always sell for decent scratch. This great mint Gator went for $416.

This Gonz went for $354. ‘Nuff said.

Sometimes you’ll see true rarities on the bay, and here is one: a mint Sims Jeff Phillips with the Vision Gator background. I have no idea why this deck was ever made, probably the screening guys fucking around, but there it is. It fetched a hefty $1200, which probably isn’t enough considering there were probably VERY few made.

The usual suspects from Santa Cruz this month: a Natas and a Roskopp. At least the Roskopp is unusual though: in 86 Santa Cruz experimented with foamcore decks. They were a plastic deck with foam in the middle. They were supposed to be light, but mine was horribly heavy and unresponsive. They never caught on and were short-lived. That just makes them more collectible! This foamcore Roskopp went for $462.

No gimmicks are needed to sell Natas decks though. This Bulldog mini went for $536. It’s a nice looking deck, but dude, lose the 70s Gullwing sticker!


A lot of oddities in the miscellaneous section this month. First up is this Set of Schmitt Stix John Luceros. The 3 went for $636. Not a bad per unit price actually

Then we have the always-popular Jay Adams model: $900.


All Zorlacs are collectible, even the later ones when Zorlac moved (was sold) from Texas to San Diego. Two of the three Zorlac decks this month are of this vintage. First we have this fine Rob Mertz: $328.

Then we have this Aaron Deeter: $275.

The older Texas based Zorlacs go for more money, even with shitty graphics, like this mint Devil Fish. $354.


How does this mint Tracker GSD deck for $145 tickle your fancy?

Or this JFA deck for $211? The guy holding it is beyond priceless. I had to keep him in there! Am I crazy or does he have 6 fingers??!

This Schmitt Stix John Lucero went for $380. The bottom is in great condition, but the top is ruined by the bad stickers under the clear griptape. Put some black grip over them as fast as possible…

emember this Blockhead Sam Cunningham deck? A few of you must, because it went for $159. (note – Blockhead is back in business with a new Sam Cunningham model! – kilwag)

Or how about this vintage Town and Country pig? It went for $202. It’s in great condition, but is ugggly, in a new wave kind of way…

Here’s a newer deck that went for big bucks. Jason Lee decks are collectable thanks to his film career. This one, his last, went for a hefty $498.

Ever wonder what you old sticker collection is worth? This guy sold his collection of over 300 stickers for $171. Not bad. There are some good ones in there.

Finally this month, this Skateboarder Magazine from the 1960s went for $146. Considering its vintage that’s probably a bargain. How cool is that…

More next time.



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