Skate and Annoy Features

eBay Watch: June 2002

We have a lot of Dogtown stuff this month. The movie probably made a lot of guys go in their garages and dig out their old decks. On attempting to ride them they discovered time hasn’t been kind, so they decided to sell them instead. Oh well. Get them out of the garages and onto walls. That’s what I say!


First up is this perfect Jim “Red Dog” Muir pro model. You hardly ever see such a pristine example, and the price reflects that. $2,411. Worth every penny.

Another Jim Muir showed up soon after, but this one was well skated. It still went for $357 though. Nice tail blocks.

From the same era we have this Paul Constantineau. The graphics are in great condition, but the tail is very worn. It still fetched a respectable $651 though.

Moving into the late 80s we have this awesome Eric Dressen deck. I always loved this one, but somebody else did too, to the tune of $790. Wow.

Moving on a couple of years we have the “Big” Ben Schroeder model. I love these graphics. Classic Dogtown, blending the DogTown cross into the Big Ben clock. $154.

Finally, here’s a weird piece of dogtown crew history: a piece of coping from the legendary dogbowl, at least it claims to be. Some believed it, some didn’t. The high bid was $150, but that didn’t hit the required minimum.


Some beautiful Powells went off in June. Let’s start it off with this future Primitive era Lance Mountain. We all remember it I’m sure. $355.

Some of the most collectible decks from Powell in the 80s don’t belong to guys like Hawk and McGill. They belong to guys who came and went like Vallely and Steadham. This mint Vallely elephant went for $610.

After leaving Powell Vallely went from team to team, but came back for a short time in 96. He had 2 decks during this short stint, both of which are very rare. This lightning bolt is one of them, and the price shows its rarity: $1025. I love the sellers collection on the wall in the background.

I kept the best Powell for last. This absolutely beautiful 1st edition Mike McGill pig went for $2,500. I’ve never seen a better looking specimen. The gold is just awesome. I think the buyer got a bargain on this.

Santa Cruz

There’s always a Jason Jessee around, and this mint Guadalupe model went for $325. Another one of my favorites. One day?

And there’s always Natas’s too. This one isn’t a Santa Cruz actually. It’s his second model on Santa Monica Airlines. Well beaten up, but it is a VERY rare deck. $135 seems like a bargain actually. I love this deck. Great, functional shape; simple, no frills, killer graphics.


Bill Danforth’s first pro model on Madrid was a classic, featuring his 2 favorite bands: The Germs circle and The Misfits. It’s rare in good condition. $331. Dig the nose.

Another popular Madrid deck was this classic John Lucero. It’s very collectible in good condition, even when somebody has attempted to cover up wear on the tail as in this case. $305.

Freestyle decks are wildly popular with collectors, even this shitty Madrid Primo deck which went for $356. Remember this guy? Used to do freestyle acts at Disneyland with his wife? The Primo slide is pretty rad though?


There are lots in here this month. Let’s start with this old late-70s Sims Andrecht pig complete. $242. It’s well used, but not abused. I wonder how he cracked the tail block like that?

The Zorlac Big Boys deck is rare as rare can be, but the price of this one shows that prices are falling the deck market. A year ago this might have fetched nearly $3000, but this one went for $1000 on the nose. Expensive? Yes, I guess so, but there maybe only be a handful left in this condition in the world.

An acquaintance of mine has a Seaflex Boomcat, and always asks what it is worth. You hardly ever see it, so answering it is difficult. However, in June another Seaflex deck came up, and I’ve NEVER seen this one before. It’s similar to the Boomcat, but it’s the Bob Denike pro deck. It’s so unusual that I don’t think any of the collectors knew what to make of it. It is pretty beaten up too, but still. It only went for $30. Amazing.

There’s always an original Gonz about, and the Vision reissues haven’t made it any less collectible obviously. $449.

Skull Skates decks are always popular too. This Dave Hackett Street Sickle went for $250. It’s a butt-ugly deck, but it’s a Skull.

Here’s the obligatory Hosoi Hammerhead. This one is a beaut though, and appears to be signed by Holmes. $305.

How does $311 for a Schmitt Stix Andy Howell grab you? Never seen it before? Well somebody has?

And finally we have the very 1st edition of Thrasher. I didn’t even bother to bid because I thought it would go for hundreds. I was amazed and saddened when I checked back and saw it had gone off for only $42. It just shows that you should bid on everything you want. You never know.

See ya next month.



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