Skate and Annoy Features

eBay Watch: January 2003

Wow, this was the slowest month I can ever remember on the bay. Maybe it was a post Christmas hangover or something, but only a couple of things of any real note changed hands, and the largest was a new deck. Go figure.


First up we have this decent condition Z-Woody Shogo Kubo signature model. Nice condition, and a piece of skate history. $668.

Then we have this Dogtown Jim Muir from circa 1978. Graphic is in great shape, but the wood shows obvious age: $899.

Next to it we have the largest single ticket item in January. It’s a BullDog Skates limited edition “Skate Nazi” deck. They had to cover up the swastika to get it by the eBay Gestapo. Wes also signed it. Anyways, somebody loved this deck, to the tune of $2000.

Next to it we have one of my favorites from the 80s: the Dogtown Web. I loved the funky side cuts and the skeletal hands. I chose a Natas instead, so I never owned one. Anyways, I digress. You don’t see this deck on the Bay too often, and this one fetched $269.

Santa Cruz

I’ve always loved this Duane Peters deck. Simple graphics but the lime green looks awesome. The price really surprised me considering it is mint: $255.

Next to it we have the obligatory Jason Jessee Guadalupe deck. This went for $255 too, which is a real bargain. This was fetching $400 not too long ago.

Then we have a Jim Phillips designed Santa Cruz Natas in a rare wood stain. $350.

Then we have 2 Natas’s that didn’t go for that much, but they are interesting. First up is a red stain Natas “Crazy Cat” that is pretty common, although $82 is a very cheap price.

Next to it we have the Element Natas “pool size” reissue from last year. This went for $86: more than the 1990 deck. I thought that was interesting. You’re probably yawning.


Finally we have two big-ticket items (to me anyway). First is the uber-rare Alva Hosoi. Christian only skated for Alva for a very short time, and you hardly ever see these decks. This one went for $721, which although expensive, will probably double in price.

Next to it we have the Jason Lee “Claudia Schiffer” pro model. How does $1200 grab you? Jason lee decks always go for big bread, which I find insane, but then again I’m not a flippy tricks guy. (It’s the cult of personality – k.ed)

Peace out.



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