Skate and Annoy Features

ebay Watch: February 2003

Now this is more like it! Tons of stuff went off for decent bucks in February. I guess the Xmas blues are over! A lot of varied stuff, including some weird stuff you never see!


Some early classics here! First up we have this mint, undrilled Alva pig, probably from 1980 or so. $1226.

Next to it is a very similar undrilled Alva of earlier vintage. This one looks particularly clean, and at $720 is a snip!

Then we have a very clean Dogtown Jim Muir, complete with Trackers and matching lime green wheels. A real bargain at $495.

Powell Peralta

There have been a few first edition Rodney Mullens on the bay the last few months. You know, the one with robot “mutt” dog, not the chessboard skeleton. This is a very clean example and fetched $1575. Nice dome. Of course, the plastic probably increased its worth by $500, so what do I know!

Then we have a Powell general Issue, probably from around 1983. Great condition, and signed by Stacy to boot! $661.

Finally we have this first edition graphic Cab. Why first edition? Because the dragon is sitting on a bearing. Worn and abused, but the graphics are still there. $711.

Santa Cruz

Some real beauts here, so let’s start with the holy grail of many collectors: this early 80s Steve Olson checkerboard. Classic Santa Cruz graphic, and for a change the stickers actually add to the value I think. The whole package hangs together and screams NHS! $1425.

Then we have a Roskopp “face” in a great natural finish. This one went for $500, but I doubt whether it will hold its value, because Santa Cruz are supposedly reissuing this one.

Then we have a couple of Grosso’s. First up is the “Toy box” in a great green paint. A steal at $300.

Next to it we have the Grosso “Devil and Angel”. A superb graphic, and this one went for $400, although this one is being reissued too. Great blunt noses on both Grosso’s.


There are always so many Natas decks and Vallely decks that I’ve decided to break them out from their manufacturers to give somebody else a look in! First up we have the Jim Phillips penned Santa Cruz Natas Panther from around 1988. This one always goes in the $300 range and this one was no exception at $308.

Next to it we have the popular Santa Cruz Natas Kitten. $295.

Then we have 2 versions of the World Industries Vallely Barnyard. This deck was revolutionary, in that it was one of the first decks to have the modern popsicle stick shape (although much wider), along with cartoon style, total coverage graphics. This first example really shows the changing times. It still has rails and a tail bone. Are those G&S Chromolly trucks too? $670.

Next to it we have a mint version of the same deck. $1076.

Mark Gonzales/Jason Lee

Like I said last month, Jason Lee decks always go for big bucks, so he gets his own section this month, as does the Gonz. The first is maybe the most famous Jason Lee: the cat in the hat model. Rare rare rare. How rare? $1951.

Next to it is the final Jason Lee pro model, the “setting sun” deck $766.

Then we have this hand painted Gonz. I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of the “skater-artist” thing. Any skater does some fucking doodles on a deck and it’s suddenly high art. I think not. Anyways, Gonz hand painted this deck. Some sucker bought it for $860. Good lord.

Even worse is the next thing. Gonz doodled on some napkins and had the balls to put them up on eBay. Some schmoe paid $820 for them. Whoa.


Some good stuff this month. Remember this Black Flag deck? I always thought it sucked, and especially in this condition. Rare though, and a Black Flag collector thought it was worth $407

Then, how about this late 70s Hobie Park machine? Ridiculous, but rare as fuck. $500.

Uncle Wiggley “argyle” anyone? Swiv? Yours could have been worth $305 like this one. (Swiv’s got ran over by a car once and didn’t break, although it was probably a little mushy on the ollies. Not that it mattered, we affectionately called this the “Lead Sled” – k.ed)

Then we have the classic Sims Kamikaze deck. This was originally Hosoi’s Sims graphic, but after he quit Sims, they kept putting the graphic out with the generic Sims graphic. $336.

Finally we have 2 really strange ones. I found the porno deck on eBay England. It’s supposedly a scratch ‘n’ sniff too. Hmm. $200.

Then we have some gold Gullwings. Yes, gold. I don’t know anything about them, other than they went for $250.

See ya.



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