Skate and Annoy Features

eBay Watch: August 2002

There were some absolutely unreal historical skate artifacts up this month, but a lot of them didn’t meet their reserve price, so no deal. It seems to me that a lot of the long-time collectors are satisfied with their collections and aren’t buying much anymore. The new collectors just don’t seem to have the cash that the older guys did. You just don’t see the amount of $1000+ auctions that you used to. Maybe things will come back around.

Let’s start with the good stuff.

Dogtown / Alva /Z-Flex

Some unbelievable items here. Stuff I never thought I’d see, because it should be in a museum. How about the deck that Z-Boy Chris Cahill skated at the Del Mar Nationals, as made famous in the movie? Chris himself was selling it. The lucky buyer got it for $2,377. That’s a lot for a skateboard, but still less than half of the Hawk a few months back.

As if that wasn?t good enough, how about this EARLY Dogtown. How early? Early enough that the graphics were hand drawn by Wes Humpston. This amazing piece was bid up to $2500, but it still didn?t meet the reserve. If you?re feeling rich, it?s still up there I believe.

Of similar vintage is this beautiful Z-Woody from Z-Flex. It might be the Shogo Kubo model. I?m not sure. In any event, it went for a snip at $269.

Then we have this late 70s Alva deck. I normally hate stickers on a deck, but they add something to a period piece like this. I especially like the ACS trucks sticker. The seller did a nice job with the photomontage. $294.

Moving onto the 80s we have this hideous Z-Flex George Wilson. I could never understand why you would buy a deck from 1 company and then cover it in stickers from other companies. Let?s see how many I can name. On top we have a Bullet wheels sticker, a Powell dragon, a Joe Lopes crystal ball, looks like a Oklahoma University sticker, A Fred Smith sticker, a Vision sticker and a ?Skaters Only? sticker. On the bottom we have some rip grip (?), a Lance Mountain sticker, a ?skater zone? sticker, and a Rodney Mullen sticker. I would deduce from this that the previous owner lived in Oklahoma, skated very little, and was a total tool. The new owner better get out the Goo-Gone. $196.

Finally we have this late 80s Dogtown Dressen. Always a popular deck with collectors, never mind the condition. The decks of great skaters keep their value. $255

Powell Peralta

Some classic pigs this month. First up is this 2nd generation Steve Caballero. I love the silver color. $449 seems like a real bargain here, but the big $ collectors want mint only.

Then we have this mint 2nd generation Mike McGill. Sweet blue color, amazing condition, hand signed by McGill. It went up to $510, but that wasn’t enough for the seller.

How about this early Tony Hawk pig? Used but not abused I think they say. $380. Not bad with the signature too.

I’ve saved the best until last. How about a 1st model Mike McGill in mint condition? $2000 was what it took to win this piece of history.

Santa Cruz

Nothing great from SC this month. First up is this Jeff Grosso Coke ripoff. Ugly color, but Grosso’s always do well. $281.

Then we have this Roskopp “face” blacktop series deck. It’s in mint condition. $218.

This Natas seems to drop in price every month. I’ll be able to afford one soon! $200.

This is the first Jeff Kendall graphic, which makes it very popular with collectors. $167 for this used one. I wonder what happened to the wheels? Nice flat nose.

This next one astounds me. It doesn’t get any more mint, or any more classic. A pristine Duane Peters pig from the early 80s. Someone got a bargain here–$250. Awesome deck.

Some good ones this month from the house of Zorlac. First up we have this 1st model Craig Johnson “voodoo doll” deck. $306 for this lightly used Zorlac.

Then we have one of the classic Zorlacs. The John Gibson Pushead sidecut. Not in great condition, but $301 is still a bargain. Pushead’s first graphic.

I’ve never seen this simple Zorlac Street Skate before, so I assume it’s very early. Still went for $255 despite its unassuming graphics.

Finally we have this Steve Schneer deck from Airbourne, a Zorlac offshoot. I’ve never seen this deck before, but I think it’s awesome. It?s a great shape: clean lines, and a classic graphic. Nice. $162. I bid on this one but didn’t win it. (Zorlac offshoot? I think you may be off the mark – k.ed)


First up, how about this G&S Gator deck from the early 80s? Yes, that’s right, before he skated for Vision, the murdering dick Gator rode for G&S. Dig the prismatic graphics and the stickers. $582.

From similar vintage we have this Variflex Allan Losi deck. Ah yes, Variflex. Funny how one of the hottest companies became little better than Nash a few years later? $140, including the mint stickers.

We all remember this Staab pirate deck, but nobody knew anybody that actually had one. It seemed very gay for some reason. Maybe it was a rare deck, because this one fetched $460.

I think in the July column I claimed that the “Rock is King” deck was Mullen’s first on World. I think I was wrong, because I think this one is. The price may support that. $676. Rocco is the Winnie the Pooh character.

Staying with World, this Vallely elephant went for $202.

I always liked this Schmitt Stix Joe Lopes “Monopoly” graphic, but it only went for $104. Shows you can still get a bargain if you try.

This Skull Skates Josh Marlowe went for hundreds more a few months back, showing the dip in the market. This one only fetched $152. (That’s probably the best graphic they ever made up to that point. -k.ed)

Anything with Jason Lee’s name on it sells for major $ though, and this Blind ”American Icons” graphic proves that point. How about $1,675?

’ll finish up with 2 weird ones. First is this complete set put out by Lost Angels. It is the “Different Strokes” set, each of the 4 decks featuring a different character and the subsequent crimes they committed. Clever, but slanderous. The set went for $130. I’d like them. The Whore one is hilarious.

Finally, we have this limited edition reproduction of the Caster Wally Innouye deck from the late 70s. It’s an awesome repro, and Wally has signed and numbered it. Originals are impossible to find, so this repro (#001!) is invaluable. $405.

See ya next month.



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