Skate and Annoy Features

eBay Watch: April 2003

Only 2 decks reached 4 figures this month, but it was still a busy month. A holy grail for collectors was posted, and the action was fast and furious, but more of that later.

Mixing Dogtown and Sims this month? What gives? Well, they’re all of similar vintage, so I thought I’d lump them together. First up is this used but not abused Dogtown Jim Muir. The graphics are awesome, and the tail dome has taken most of the punishment. One coper on the back truck and many Kryptonics stickers complete this bad boy. $502.

Then we have a real oddity. I believe that it’s an early template for the Dogtown Bigfoot. 12” of riding pleasure. Whatever. It has no graphics; looks hand shaped, and yet still went for $1,525. One man’s poison…

Then we have one of the Sims 12” decks: the Greg Ayres stinger. The Brad Bowman and the Bert Lamar all look to be exactly the same shape, and this one is pretty beaten up. It still fetched a decent $310 though.

Santa Cruz

Some total classics this month, and one Holy Grail. First we have the Rob Roskopp model 5 on one of the disastrous foam core decks SC put out in 1988. They were a nightmare to ride, but the graphics have held up beautifully, and this might be the finest example of one. $444.

(I gotta disagree. These rode well on vert, which is what they were designed for. They were super light and surprisingly light but not very durable, hence useless on the street. They were priced about $20 or so higher than most decks, but they didn’t sell well. As they were discontinued, some shops were selling them at half the price of regular decks, which is when I picked up mine. Interestingly enough, the graphics were not screened on the boards, and instead were one big vinyl decal on the body and another on the tail. I think they made a Slasher model too. That’s more than you ever wanted to know about the Santa Cruz Foam Core series! -k.ed)

ext to it is the Jeff Kendall “Jagermeister” deck. It’s a classic, and still wrapped. $305

Then we have the Jeff Grosso devil/angel. This one is signed by Jeff on the tail, and went for $466. (Come on people! If it’s worth selling, it oughta be worth figuring out how to use your camera. – k.ed)

Then we have the Bulldog designed Natas that is always highly prized whenever it appears. $936.

Finally we have one of the most highly sought after decks out there. The Santa Cruz Jeff Grosso “Alice” deck. SC got a cease and desist from the good folks over at Disney, so this one was very limited. Look closely: the caterpillar is smoking a bong. You never see a mint one. The action was fast and furious, and I’m not talking about some shitty Vin Diesel movie. It ended at $2,700 when the dust settled.


A couple of classics from Zorlac this month. First we have the John Gibson deck, but not the sidecut that most people remember. No, this is the earlier pig, and you hardly ever see it. $396 is a bargain for this deck.

Then we have THE classic Zorlac deck: the double cut. Again, $811 might seem like a lot, but for this deck in this condition it is not.


Some weird stuff here this month. First we have the pointy nosed SMA Jesse Martinez. So pointy Jesse could have impaled somebody on it while kicking ass on Venice Beach. Did I mention it is pointy? $364.

Then we have one that shows up every few months: the G&S Gator that predated his Vision deck. Ugly as all get-out, but rare and $420.(Photo tip: Don’t place a board against the same color background. Long live Q-bert! – k.ed)

Next to it is an original Powell Allan Gelfand pig. Nice condition and $676.

How about a 1991 World Industries Rodney Mullen? Sure How about $809?

Then we have a 1992 World Industries Jeremy Klein. $750.

Next is issue #1 of Thrasher. A few months ago one went off for $42. This one went for $199, which is what I would expect.

Then we have a signed copy of the Z-Boys book. Hard cover, with signatures from ALL of the Z-Boys. I wouldn’t have expected it to be that hot of an item, but it was. How hot? $900.

Finally this month we have a set of Tracker Magnesium trucks. I guess they are super rare because they went for an unreal $580.

See ya next month!.



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