Skate and Annoy Features

eBay Watch: April 2002

April was a slow month for decks on eBay. No real shockers, not a lot of much to tell you the truth.


How does this old cab grab you? It grabbed somebody out there to the tune of $1,926. Ouch. It’s not even his first model. Of course, you don’t see many mint 2nd model Cabs either, so the price shouldn’t be surprising I guess. The fact that it’s signed by Hawk and Mullen doesn’t hurt either.

Here’s another Cab. This one went for $560, which is still a lot of money. This one is interesting. It dates from around 1986, and even though it was a popular deck (I had one), there are hardly any around, especially in mint condition. I think it looked very skateable, but it was in reality very fragile. It was very narrow across the back truck area, and any launch ramp escapades (that were so popular then) would probably doom it. It is a beautiful deck though, and in fact Powell reissued this graphic on a new school shape last year. It is also immortalized on a crap Tech Deck “classic”.

There seems to be a Vallely elephant on eBay every month, and April was no exception. This minty fresh white one etched $698.

And speaking of Vallely stuff, this sweatshirt fetched an amazing $255. Will somebody actually wear it you think?

Santa Cruz

Some of the regular culprits here too. First, this Jason Jesse “Madonna” model fetched $406. I would love this deck, but it’s always way out of my price range.

You know my feelings on Roskopp’s, but I guess nobody else agrees. I think this deck has some of the worst graphics I’ve ever seen. $355.

Next we have a classic Duane Peters in mint condition. I’m surprised it went for a modest $347. Great deck.

Here’s another article of clothing for ya. An unworn Jeff Grosso t-shirt. $117 anyone? I actually bid on this one, but I didn’t win. I don’t think I’d ever go over $30 for a t-shirt.


April did see a couple of classic Sims decks from the very early 80s. First we have this mint Brad Bowman, hairdresser to the NKOTB himself. It’s the classic Superman logo that has been ripped off so many times since. It fetched a respectable $1591.

Then how about this Dave Andrecht? Not as perfect as the Bowman, but still cool nonetheless. $836. The seller alertly points out that he is showing us the bottom logo. As if we didn’t know.


A couple of Devil Fishes showed up this month. First we have the original that was pulled after an outcry by religious zealots. $515. Dig those crazy Satan graphics.

Now we have the sanitized version. How much lamer is this? The price reflects it. $207.( The Devil Fish may have looked ugly, but they were well made. I switched to them from Hosoi Hammerheads after Hosoi put out some really poorly made decks for a while. Remember the pale pink ones? Probably right before Santa Cruz started making them. Of course it’s also possible that our local shop bought a few counterfeits as well, that place/Fatz was sketchy. – k.ed )


The only Dogtown worth mentioning this month was this Stonefish that went off for $310. You hardly ever see these, and it’s the first one I’ve seen in mint condition.


love this Z-Flex. Normally I can’t stand used decks with stickers on them: 99% of the time the owner must have been blind because the stickers are either crooked or stupid. These ones add to the age of this deck though. Are those ACS trucks? $476.


Let’s start with a couple of weird Hosoi’s. This first one is in a very unusual pink and green color, not the usual pink and black. There are a lot of fake Hosoi hammerheads floating around apparently, but the feeling is that this one isn’t. It went for $500, so the owner better hope not.

his next Hosoi went for $305, and has an interesting story behind it. Christian authorized the sale of some of his personal collection in order to raise funds to help with lawyer fees etc. This new school type deck is one of the ones that went, along with those photos etc you see to the side.


This old Lucero from Schmitt Stix went for a large $743. Luceros and Grosso’s always fetch big dough. It must be their hardcore image. Of course, the graphics rule too, and this one is no exception. Beautiful deck.

This Josh Marlowe deck from Skull Skates went for $518. Even though he is moderately well known on the east coast, he is not a household name by any stretch. This amount just shows how popular Skull decks are with collectors. Sorry about the crappy picture. Some of these sellers must take them with webcams while driving at speed.

Uncle Wiggly made quality decks that weighed a ton. They are fondly remembered by all however, especially the Argyle. This mint one went for $611. Sorry Swiv.

This weird early 90s Natas crackpipe was one of the many decks he had on 101, his own company. Obviously not as fondly remembered as the panthers, but it still fetched $202.

Let’’s end up this month with a couple of new school decks that fetched decent green. First we have the Blind sniffin glue deck. Used it still fetched $405.

Then we have this Guy Mariano Satan/Jayne Mansfield deck. $456. Note the severed head on Mansfield. Nice.

See ya next time.



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