Skate and Annoy Features

eBay Watch: May 2003

Let’s try something new this month. Instead of organizing by company, I’m going to attempt to do it by date this month. Also, it’s just come to my attention how much old skates shoes are getting on eBay, even worn ones, so I have a few examples of that at the end.


First up is this CLASSIC Z-Flex Z-Woody, Jay Adams model. An absolute mint beauty. It went for $902, which seems like a bargain to me, but of course, I’m not the one buying it!

Next to it we have a late 70s/early 80s Sims Bert LaMar pig. Used, but in great overall shape. The graphics are perfect. $532.


First up are 2 Powells. The mint Mike McGill pig is still in plastic, which must be a complete rarity. It went for $1316, which I guess, proves that. I’m not quite sure what color it is: yellow or white. The picture is really messed up.

Next is a Steve Steadham with Trackers and Powell Cubics. Used but not too bad. It’s a great color scheme, and the stickers actually add to it. $325.

Then we have an early Uncle Wiggley Designs epoxy/fiberglass deck. It is a very early example of a fishtail and is minty fresh. $417.

Next is a G&S Neil Blender. Not mint by any means, but the graphics are perfect. Thank god for all of the plastic we used to put on our decks! The seller really cleaned this bad boy up. You can see where the rails, tail dome, nose guard and stickers were. He did a good job though and probably added $100 to the value. It sold for an even $400.

The next batch starts with a Santa Cruz Jeff Grosso. As mint as the day it left the factory. $250 seems like a real bargain.

Vision just reissued this Chris Miller Schmitt Stix deck, but apparently that didn’t do anything to the value of a mint original. This pristine example went for $455.

Then we have an 80s icon: the Hosoi hammerhead in the classic black/silver/red color scheme. Beautiful, and a snip at $250.

The Madrid deck next to it was released shortly after John Lucero left Madrid to skate for Schmitt Stix. They kept the graphic and simply took his name off it, adding “X Team Rider” instead. It’s a nice pig with a great graphic. $362.

Rounding off the 80s decks we have these last three. First up is the Natas kitten in a natural wood stain. $330.

Next to it is the full size Jim Phillips panther in a red stain. $300.

Finally we have an absolute gem: a Skull Skates Tod Swank deck. The simple but classic graphic is still used by Tod’s new company Foundation. The shape is completely unfunctional, but great nonetheless. It’s just a beautiful deck: a great wall hanger, and at $305 seems like a real steal.

1990’s-present day

Some big money decks here. First up is a 101 Natas “9 lives” deck. 101 was Natas’ company, and he put out a ton of short run decks in a short amount of time. I’d never seen this one before it appeared on eBay. I guess the cat is a reference back to his old graphics? $318.

Next we have two Blind decks from the Fucked Up Blind Kids series. They were a pisstake on the Garbage Pail Kids trading kids. The first is the “Horny Henry” Henry Sanchez model. He has been blocked out to escape the eBay censors, but he is reading a porno mag called “Pussy”. Somebody recognized it: it went for $510.

This is the “Jerkin’ Jordan” Jordan Richter deck. $521. Guess what he’s doing?

Finally, we have the “Bam Him” deck from two years ago. Bam’s success with CKY and Jackass has really increased his visibility and the price of his decks. This one went for $226. You might still have one at your local shop. Check it out!


Shoes are getting insane! If you have some old skate shoes from the 80s, get them on there before these collectors come to their senses! First up we have a mint pair of Madrid ‘Fly” Vans. These were limited, but nothing special really. A Japanese collector spent $499 on these. That prompted me to sell my well-worn pair of black ones. I got $262 for mine!

Then we have something even nuttier. I wouldn’t even donate these Converse to the Salvation Army. They would go straight in the trash. That would be my loss though—they went for $141 on eBay. What the fuck?

And if you think that’s crazy: randy and I used to skate in Air Jordans. That was in 86. I had no idea who Michael Jordan was: the shoes were high tops, good to skate in, and most importantly, on sale. Now those same 1st edition Air Jordans fetch $1025 on eBay. Gulp… (Ours were canvas not leather, and if I recall correctly, we picked them up at $10 or $15 a pair. Pretty much every skater in Champain Urbana was wearing those for a summer. – k.ed)

More next time.



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