An iPhone case in the shape of a broken skateboard, complete with truck and wheels, making it impractical for carrying anywhere besides a purse. It’s times like this that I start to rethink my policy of “sometimes it’s good to execute an idea, no matter how impractical it is.” It comes in a bunch of […]
It costs about $67, but they might hand painted or… I don’t know because I don’t read Japanese. Get yours at
Another skateboard stairs concept reaches reality. Though featured on Recyclart, those are clearly all new skateboards, and kind of crappy modern Kryptonics if I’m not mistaken. The metal supports are a custom fabrication. See skateboard stairs: Part 1 – Part 2 Addendum: I was looking at the Kryptonics web site, and they have a little […]
Yeah, I don’t know what that means. Salt Surf is the name of the company and I was just struggling for a title here. I like the shape and the product, but the Pottery Barn style faux weathering rubs me the wrong way. Has anyone seen a copy of this 43 Magazine that they are […]
So there’s a DIY article about making a ceiling fan out of skateboards. Nothing really to it besides, you know, drilling holes in skateboards and replacing existing blades. Seems like it would be awfully heavy. It’s not a new concept actually. There have been commercially available skateboard fans for a few years. So long that […]
From the promo shot above you might guess that Candy Grip is the name of an adult film star, but it’s the name of a color changing grip tape product trying to get funded through Kickstarter. It’s not temperature sensitive, but dependent on the angle of the light hitting it in relation to the viewer, […]
Some people find the retro fetish tipping the scale more towards “annoy” than “skate,” but I’m all for it, just as I like the new plastic banana boards. I’m not sure if boards like this ever actually existed though, that shape looks like a direct copy of 60’s era Nash boards, and while they did […]
I can appreciate this project a lot, but if they wanted to really go old school they’d stick with steel wheels. I really don’t know squat about Nomad Skateboards except it has nothing to do with American Nomad. In fact, this company is out of Spain. They must be doing well though, or at least […]
Skate and Annoy welcomes Deadbolt Pads to the site. You might have noticed their banner ads for a while now. I couldn’t get any information out them other than a picture of Duane Peters, who recently joined the team. I do know firsthand that these pads have been in the works for many years and […]