The Skateboard Art of Jim Phillips

Phillips skate art book

It looks like Jim Phiilips’ second book of skateboard related art is finally out. The first one was a very good collection, but had more than I cared to see of his early non-skateboard related pieces. I understand it’s good to get a larger sense of history and the context of his style, but I […]

Kanoa Flyaway

Kanoa Flyaway redux

I’ve mentioned the old Flyaway helmets once or twice before, mostly in the context of the re-issues, but without a lot of actual information. Concrete Disciples has a nice piece on the new Kanoa Flyaway helmets that is no so much product review as an endorsement. It does go in to some detail about the […]

Ryan Sheckler's pants

Get in Sheckler’s pants

I got an email from CSS titled “Ryan Sheckler’s Must-Haves.” First I was grossed out, and then I got curious. Man they are really giving it the hard sell. Buy his crap and you can live just like him kids! Ryan Sheckler signature jeans? FREAKING AWESOME!

Urban Series modular skate park

An alternate reality

You can buy fake fire hydrants for your dog to pee on, why not for a skatepark as well? Skatewave, the modular skatepark company you love to hate, has a line of skate obstacles called the Urban Series for simulating objects that you can, well, already buy. I’m sure they’ll argue that their knockoffs are […]

Skateboard bedding

Go to bed

When I first got a copy of Wire’s Pink Flag album I was hypnotized. The music was unlike any of their punk contemporaries, but it still made perfect sense to a kid in the suburbs of Chicago in the mid-80’s. It was kind of like the missing link for me. Minimal, but incredibly rich at […]

Boot Kidz - Joe on a Skateboard

Give ’em the boot, kidz

If you have an extra $1500 laying around, (and who doesn’t?) you can pick up Skateboard Joe for your kids to hang their clothes on. Seriously. That’s what it’s for, and that’s what it costs. Available from Boot Kidz. You can see it larger after the jump.

Cold War video for Concrete Wave DVD

GVK#23: Cold War Promo Video

Hey guys here is the Cold War video for 07 shot in one day edited in 7 hours by Kilwag. If you get Concrete Wave it is on their DVD they put out 1x a year, so get your board orders in early if you see something you like. I am going to be so […]

Message Ts

Look mommy, I’m a surfer

Skateboarding messaged novelty undershirts at CafePress. They have these on dark shirts too but the white ones were easier to read. thanks to Dan Hughes for sharing this.