Acrylates Copolymer, Ethyl Acetate

The ingredients in fake tattoos, in case you were wondering. This package of fake tattoos actually has the ingredients listed on the back, as if you were going to eat them. This guy looks familiar.

Monster Bandages

The novelty bandage business has really taken off. The Monsterville name is synonymous with first aid, so I’m sure these were worth the extra cost. One side of the sanitary wrapper is clear, so I didn’t have to open half of them to find one with a skateboard on it.

My dog ate my post

I don’t have anything else for you today. Yesterday the sewer pipe backed up into my basement. Fun!!!!!!! So I spent last night cleaning up fecal matter instead of writing posts. I just happened to have the Factory Made in can and ready to go. I’m pretty sure that the people who sent these items […]

Steve Madden and the Skater

Steve Madden designs shoes. My wife is a fan. I thought he just did women’s shoes, but apparently he does shoes for guys. I’m not sure what the back story is, but I’m going to go out on what I assume is a very, very strong limb and guess that the “Skater shoes line is […]

When vague copyright infringement isn’t enough

Kids have beds. Kids need sheets. Kids love Spiderman. Kids love skateboarding. Kids love cheap imported home goods from manufacturers that aren’t concerned with copyright infringement or having an art director with a fully formed idea. Seeing this picture with all the clashing pop culture characters makes me fear for my kid’s psyche.

A new low.

If you thought using fake skateboards to make shelfs that look like real skateboards was a silly idea then you’re really going to love the fake skateboard “wall art” that costs almost as much as a real skateboard. This one is made out of hollow plastic and has a built in mounting bracket. Spotted at […]

Portland Timbers vs Canadian Maple

May 15th was free skateboard day at the PGE park. The first 2000 people to enter the Portland Timbers game vs. St Louis got a free Portland Timbers skateboard. I didn’t even find out about it until now. I’m bummed on a few levels. Bummed I didn’t know about it in advance, bummed I didn’t […]

Best skate bag for travel

I only fly a couple times a year. I used to bring my skateboard with me as a carry on, but with laptops, camera bags and especially kids, it became more of a hassle than it was worth, so I began to look for skate bag options. I had one of those old Thrasher bags […]

Radical Islam

This t-shirt is for sale over at Palmer Cash, but it’s imprtant to know that MC crystallized this idea in 2007.