Last year’s promo must have been a hit, becasue they upped it from the first 2000 to the first 5000 fans in the park who got a free Portland Timbers skateboard. I have to tell you I thought our mayor was a bit looney pushing for a major league soccer team in our town. I […]
Well it’s an idea we’ve seen before, so why no build a whole brand around it? Here’s a video of the Pornstar Skateboards “factory” which you have to swallow with a grain of salt. Anyone recognize the actual factory? Watch as actress Sarah Jesse causes an awkward moment for a hapless worker who just wants […]
Check out the Welcome Summer catalog.
He’s Glenn Jones is a graphic designer and illustrator from Auckland, New Zealand who operates under the name GLENNZ, which is derived from ‘GLENN’ and ‘NZ’ concatenated. You can visit his site and vote on which of his designs you’d like to see made into a t-shirt. Currently there are four skateboard illustrations in the […]
I don’t usually post a lot of random product announcements unless it tickles my fancy. This one I’m featuring purely because I still love the midwest, even though I don’t really want to live there. If you’re a long time reader you’ll also know I’ve got an affinity for all things Surf Ohio/Cow Skates. Assault […]
Limited time offer expires at midnight tonight. 20% off with discount code SKATEANDANNOY. Get your fashion on at Maple XO.
Kiss Online reports that some new Kiss flavored skateboards and fingerboards are coming. I know those guys are obviously business savvy enough to flog this dead horse all the way to the bank, but come on guys, where are the permalinks? – Thanks to Andrew Wahl for the tip.
I saw this in Concrete Wave a while back but I forgot to post it. I thought it was a gag advert at first, in part due to the fact that you can’t currently find any mention of it on the Venom web site. However, it appears to be aimed at a real niche market… […]
Slingz and the Sk8rstrap are two brands of strap that are designed to help you carry your skateboard instead of ride it. Slingz is more of a professional operation, with a somewhat professional looking website, while Sk8rstrap is pure amateur hour. Slingz has some funny videos, kids strapping on the skateboard inside just long enough […]