Ryan Sheckler is a doll, and I mean literally, or at least virtually. Check out the Ryan Sheckler dress up doll at Stardoll. Sorry about the knee pads, couldn’t resist. Sheckler is the only other skater available, but they do have Dennis Rodman. I still love Dennis Rodman. Yes, I want to gay-marry him. You […]
Sure, it gets a little mean spirited (and long) in the middle, hard to watch, but it’s still damn funny juxtaposition. [Source: LOLFactory]
Here’s a couple photos from the camera phone of Jason Schomaker. It’s a 100% naturally occurring, totally organic skate stopper, and it’s not what you think. Find out what it is after the jump.
The Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is one of those programs that you either love or hate. Always low budget, it’s like one of those cable network comedy sketch shows, only it’s actually really funny, and at times very surreal. It’s on Adult Swim, so that ought to give you a good idea […]
Nope. Keep of the grass! I think someone was “on the grass” in Houston when they decided to order this sign. Thanks to Dan from Northwest Skater for this one.
Yes, well, sometimes there isn’t a lot to say about things, as is the case with Atomic Wedgie TV’s Extreme Nuns. I guess if I had to say one thing it would be that Atomic Wedgie TV doesn’t know the definition of the term “acid drop.” Watch the vid after the jump. [Source: Skateboarding Jesus]
Here’s a hoverboard shot from a Photoshop contest for “Coolest toy ever” on Worth 1000. I thought it might be one of mine at first, but it turned out to be an EPM shot of Holly Lyons from Rich’s 2007 Trifecta Lincoln City coverage. Rich’s pics have been getting poached by the Photoshoppers lately, and […]
For some people this is one of the second most important holidays. Of course I’m talking about little kids looking forward to getting the second largest candy haul of the year. Watch the Easter Bunny skateboarding after the jump. You get exactly one guess as to who this is.
I’m sure there are people out there that can’t stand this guy, but I could watch him skate all day long. I guess that makes me gay. Shades of Simon Woodstock for sure, but without the all the stage props. This is William Spencer’s part from The Denver Shop’s latest video In Color which you […]