Mr Jelly Belly Fruit Snacks

Made with seven different fruit juices!

And a whole lot of corn syrup! Now that I have a kid I have to start paying attention to these so-called fruit snacks, which are usually nothing more than a nominal amount of fruit inside a wad of something slightly less soluble than horse hooves. Mr Jelly Belly Fruit Snacks! Check out the packaging […]

fake newberg shot

Double Take.

Revisiting and extending an earlier post. Check it out to see the original. Bored bored bored. This hastily executed concept was originally suggested by MC.


Tualatin Full Pipe

On the way back from Newberg Saturday, Peter, Ian, and myself decided to go check out the Tualatin Park to see if it was crowded, or not. It was, so we decided to head for these two different sets of banks by my house. On the way there, I remembered these little pipes we found […]


Carpet Boards Fun For Entire Family

Seriously, kids love these things. Well, I can’t speak for your kid, because I don’t know your kid. Anyway, my kid seems to like this carpet board for about 15-30 minutes a day. They are really easy to make.

Funny Ha ha Videos UK whee!

Grover’s Video Korner.

Where Kwality is Spelled with a “U” as on YouTube. I’ve been meaning to get Grover to contribute a few key video finds a week or so, since he seams to spend a lot of time surfing YouTube. His other passion for the personals on Craig’s List has no place here. Kicking off the inaugural […]

Skater Fake Vomits. Business Owners freak

Fake-Vomiting Skaters Intolerable, Businesses to Engage in Sissy-Fight

Council meeting begins, ends with skateboard issues seems innocuous right? Well, some business owners in Bradford County Florida are butting heads with local skateboarders, with one incident culminating in a fake barfing display. Ahh… what a gold mine. First off, there is the obvious comedy value in fake vomit, reminiscent of the scene in Repo […]

Upside down invert

I Do All My Tricks Double Switch

The concept of this picture turned out to be more interesting than the reality. Shoot an invert with a guy touching the bottom of a boar, flipit 180 degrees and make it look like the skater is balancing on the other guy’s fingers. It looks weird all right, like Grover has been shrunk down, but […]

Suicidal Tendencies

Six Degrees of Suicidal Tendencies

Updated: Instead of just tipping my hat to EPM‘s post on Suicidal Tendencies’ Institutionalized video, I decided to turn it up to 11. The vid caps above are from no less than three four different Institutionalized appearances on video: The straight video, a Beavis and Butthead appearance, a fake live appearance in a club on […]


Hopless Old Men Turns 50

Hopeless Old Men On Skateboards reaches the mark of 50 comics. Here’s to 50 more! Head on over to MC’s house and give him more encouragement. Yes, this is another lame post to disguise a lack of recent updates.