Yes, I am very upset that I didn’t think of this first. Ladies and gentlemen, Morrissey on a skateboard. Get yours here. From the mind of Alphonzo Rawls.
MC says the quick ones ride skateboards.
A miniramp suspended by a hot air balloon, the brainchild of Brazilian skateboarder Vanderley Arame, as seen in Cemporcento Skate magazine. Exclusive video after the jump. – Thanks to Giancarlo at Skate Cultura for the tip.
It’s the Cracked Guide to Skateboarding, published in the September, 1976 issue of Cracked Magazine. As a kid, not knowing the history of which came first, I still somehow managed to grok Cracked as a somewhat inferior imitator of Mad Magazine. That didn’t stop me from pouring over each issue I came in contact with. […]
Imagine if the Weekly World News only produced content for skateboarders. Well, you don’t have to becasue yo ucan just go visit Skateboarding Saves for all your alien/bigfoot skateboarding needs.Bigfoot made an appearance here on S&A once,maybe 5 years ago but I couldn’t find the post. I’d swear it had something to do with Salba, […]
My dad is such a loser by youtube user Marcus Johns. Almost too short! – Thanks to Kathleen Conahan for the tip.
Future Envy, by Nathan W. Pyle, available on Threadless.
As reported in The Onion. “Since 2001, recreational skateboarders have tried to perform 8.4 billion tricks and have successfully executed zero of them,” said social anthropologist and the report’s lead author Richard Burbridge, who confirmed that the overwhelming majority of failed attempts occurred after one of the riders remarked to another, “Hey, check this out.” […]