Spotted on the Drobo web site. A precocious little futre businessman with rocket powered wings and a skateboard. Be careful kid, or you’ll end up as a stock photo. Uncluttered version after the jump.
I first I thought this was a gag, but now I’m betting it’s a carefully crafted fishing attempt to pad the email lists of Viagra spammers. And no, it’s not because I joined the site and got all kinds of spam. I didn’t get any after I joined… wait, I mean I didn’t join, I […]
On the plus side, a portion of the the sales go to Girl Riders Organization, but the flips side of this new web series is that it’s horribly paired with new “technology” that allows you click on an object in the video if you’re interested in buying it. I tried clicking on the fiance, but […]
Well, maybe not famous, but apparently semi popular. An anonymous tipster told me about our listing in the Urban Dictionary that dates back to 2006. I guess I don’t google myself enough. At least they got the order right… number one, as in we coined the term in 1985 and haven’t quit since! So suck […]
Stock image photos of hipster skateboarders and photoshopped stickers of social networking icons. Not much else to say about this login screen for Yahoo mail, except… – Thanks to Andy, Andrew, G… … and Nik for the tip.
He ain’t gonna play Sun City, but he will travel back in time to pose in youth for a Circuit City email advert. I thought Circuit City went out of business. The funny thing about this is that the web link embedded in the email pulls up a version of Silvio without a skateboard. I […]
Brought to you by Bryggeriets Gymnasium, Mini-Giftorm seems to be an online ‘zine. Some english but mostly swedish. Some cool shots. Can anybody translate?
The audio interviews are flying. The “brain” behind Bacon Skateboards has a radio show on He’s on the internet air live on Thursdays at 2pm Pacific time. He’s got five shows under his belt, most of the guests have something to do with skateboarding. He’s had George Cutright the current team manger from Adidas, […]
Another Tony Hawk refernce in a comic, this time in a strip called xkcd, which I wrote off based on this one strip, but is actually a pretty good comic with pretty bad art. – Thanks to Stephen B for the tip.