First time visitor? I’m a sucker for vintage skateboard packaging. This is a box that California Free Former model #CF-26 came in. Thanks to Andra Malczewski for the picture. That’s her and Joe Collela on the box, photographed in Redondo Beach, California. Glorious!
This is not a picture of a cored wheel in the traditional sense. You’re seeing an intact wheel surrounded by a second pour of urethane at a later date. I had never seen anything like this, but apparently it was a tactic used at some point in the 70’s used to sell old stock of […]
Happy confusing St. Patrick’s Day! Yes, you are looking at what is essentially an informational comic book style publication put out by the US Army called Preventive Maintenance Monthly. How long have they been publishing these? SINCE 1951! A huge chunk of these (especially in the first few decades) feature a pinup style art of […]
Here’s another counterfeit Brand-X Sean Goff deck, this time in a different color way. Amazing that they straight ripped off the graphic without changing Sean’s name, and hilarious that they stuck a Powell graphic on top. – Thanks to Christoff Vermeulen for the pics.
You should go check out Miguel Melo’s 60’s & 70’s Vintage Skateboard Collection. It’s a beautiful site filled with photos of his personal collection. There are some of the usual suspects in there, but there are also quite a few lessor known decks, including some from well known brands.For instance, I can’t ever recall seeing […]
You’re looking at a set of covers for curbs, ledges and parking blocks that are made out of 16 Gauge USA cold-rolled galvanized and powder coated steel. The idea from Curb Cover is to make unskateable elements skateable. Sure, you could, you know, just find a different curb to skate, but what if you don’t […]
Nothing says true love lie a heart shaped Valentines Day skateboard. Nothing says mediocre comics quite like the Archie Comic book Group either. Still, they have provided the bulk of skateboarding in vintage comic book content, so they have that going for them.
Are dead malls the equivalent of foreclosed homes with pools for street skaters? Is this spot a bust? The DMV is the only thing you can access, and it’s usually got a huge line. The employees inside are so busy they’d likely be oblivious. Is there a hoard of zombies trapped behind that plywood wall?
This is the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga. This photo is from a deleted account on Reddit. I originally spotted this in the subreddit TonyHawkitecture where it has appeared more than once. This particular subreddit is hit or miss, a lot of of the images are just vaguely skateable, but we’ve all done that in our […]