Skateboarders win civil suit in Portland

ESPN reports via Portland local Garric Ray that two Portland skateboarders assaulted by a security guards at Portland’s Pioneer Park finally settled the civil suit against the security company out of court. It’s been going on for a couple of years. I remember getting a tip about it when it first happened, so I checked […]

Downhill Dilemma

Charlie Hales want’s to be the next mayor of Portland, but he’s getting no love from some residents of southwest Portland’s Arlington Heights hills neighborhood, who seem to be looking for a scapegoat. Why? They live on a hill that has become a popular downhill run, and Hales led the charge to make skateboarding legal […]


Reported on PDX Downhill, Eric Nagle, a Federal attorney in Portland Oregon made a presentation tonight advocating making skateboarding illegal in the Arlington Heights neighborhood of Portland, a wealthy area in the hills where the Zoobomb happens. If you’re not a local, Zoobomb is a essentially a free for all weekly-ish downhill event that is […]

Red tape might accidentally kill a DIY spot in WA

DIY spots are abundant, and everyone knows when you start one that the odds are stacked against you. Still, the amount of DIY spots that are granted amnesty have increased, so you have to like those odds better than playing the lottery. Even when you celebrate, you know there’s a chance that the rug can […]

Also on the fish, the unknowns have thought.

It could have been titled “Swiss Skate Pranks” but I thought the Google translation of this news article written in German was much more intriguing. Some pranksters in Hitzkirch, Lucerne (Switzerland) filled a skatepark bowl with water and some fish. This is skate harassment I can get behind. – Thanks to Greg for the tip.

SOB Anniversary Skate Rock Show March 26th

Skatepark of Baltimore is celebrating six years of working towards a public concrete skatepark in Baltimore by means of a benefit concert with skate-rock bands March 26th 2011, 8pm till 11:30pm at Ruintown 2980 Falls Rd. 21211, 8$ cover, 18 and up, BYOB. Mini-ramp Jam, Bands: McRad, Pfisters, the Trowels, Seasons, Shred Crust and the […]

Skate or Die, just not next to each other in Miami

Hey, we’re famous! Or at least we got mentioned in the Miami Dade Herald. Family members of relatives buried in the Miami City Cemetery are upset about the skatepark slated to be built next door, and it’s at this point that you can insert a noise violation joke about waking the dead. The article mentions […]

Stop skating here

Not enough to put a raised ridge in the middle of the bank, they had to put a fence up too. Tennis courts next to Grant High School in Portland. The TMR crew wuz there.

SOTW 8-2-10: Digging out the Turf

Seeing this made me wish I could afford to take the rest of the week off and fly back to be a part of this. Josh Ellis has a bunch of photos up on that are going to give you a warm fuzzy. So it’s the Shot of the Week here on Skate and […]