Concussion Magazine

Cell Phone action

This Royce Nelson cell phone photo by Tony Farmer comes to us courtesy of Davoud at Concussion Magazine. A couple years ago I got the idea to do a print zine made entirely of cell phone photos. Like many things on my plate, I haven’t gotten around to it. I’m guessing someone else has done […]

Egbert's Mini

Why are these men riding a miniramp?

Haven’t you heard? Because it rains during the winter in Portland. Egbert’s got a micro-miniramp in his garage, complete with a low ceiling and pool coping. I swear this thing is less than 3 feet tall. Sometimes the amount of fun you can have is inversely proportional to the size of the transition. Pics after […]


Indoor action

These are a couple of old images from 2004. The spot is (was?) at the home of half of Shrunken Head. Enlargements and two more shots after the jump

Brett Sells at newberg

Sometimes I miss film.

Yep. Digital is nice, but sometimes I miss the look film in a skate shot. The scanner hiccup is a nice touch though. There’s been too much Annoy and not enough Skate lately, so enjoy this picture of Brett Sells at the Newberg Oregon skate park, taken some time in 2002. He’s up there. Go […]

I want to see this into the 11.5 at Pier.

The French have to have a different word for everything. Not only that, they even use their skateparks sideways. I have provided a link to the video but unless you want to watch a bunch of ledge and stair skating, don’t bother.

Does Sarcasm Sell?

As most of you know I work for DuFFS shoes, and recently I came across this little ditty on the web. I do remember laughing at the ads when they came out, and nothing has changed that vision. Even words like Ads are Sexist, Violent and imply an endorsement of Pedophiles! really don’t bother me […]

Donald Oregon pool collage

Donald Daze

Here’s a few pics from a short May of 2006 session at Donald Oregon’s bowl that some say is the best fake pool built for skateboarding out there. Skaters names, clickable thumbs and a bonus stencil art shot after the jump.

Florida is a bust!

Florida is a bust!

Not really, just for me. By the time I got done with all the family and holiday obligations I only had a couple of days to skate, and of course it rained on both of them. As I was loading up the car with luggage to head to the airport I snapped this frustrating shot […]

Chris Haslam Visiting Hood River last Oct for the

Oh The Torture

Here we are stuck in the middle of winter, there’s just enough snow on the ground here in Hood River to keep our skatepark out of service. I do have some new resourceful places to expose that should “tame the skate voices” in my head about skating. I’m gazing at my skateboard as I post […]