Triefecta Quick Pics - Duane Peters

Triefecta Quick Pics – Duane Peters

Taking a quick break from the Trifecta to post a couple of pics. Duane Peters was totally living up to the “Master of Disaster” title, it’s fun to watch that guy ride when he’s on his game.


You’re Fired.

The Donald. Get it? No, get it? Went to Donald today for the first time in over a year. Had a lot of fun. It looks like they are getting ready to add something on to the mini pipe section. Met three guys up visiting from Santa Cruz. More pictures after the jump.


Australian for “Skate Stopper”

From the forums at comes these two different approaches to stopping skateboarding. The first one on the left is from Mother Nature who dumped a ton or two of sand on Bondi skatepark during recent storms. Bondi is a costal town, in case you haven’t guessed. On the right we have man made bureaucracy […]



Hey. It’s summertime. The weather is nice. We’re out skating. This shot was taken in April of 2006 at West Linn Oregon. Don’t know who that is. I’ve been known to hang out with those two nerds in the background…

Shot Composition Basics

Learn to shoot skateboarding, better.

I had an idea to make a basic skateboard photography tutorial for our DIY section. Not that I’m the greatest photographer or anything, but a few simple tips can really go a long way for the beginner, especially in this day and age of relatively cheap digital SLR’s. Heck, the best photo advice I ever […]

Ward Boards photo gallery

Ward Boards

Aside from being a place where you can buy skateboards online, Ward Boards has a couple of nice pages worth of photos that date from the 70’s through present day. The park in the top left (name?) reminds me a little of something else. It looks like it could have been a lot of fun […]

SnA Shot of the Week goes live. Finally.

SnA Shot of the Week goes live. Finally.

Getting sick of looking at Shawn Reinert’s ass at Pier Park like Danimal was? Fine. Here’s the very first “Shot of the Week” that will actually change weekly. The page formatting is bunk, but I wanted to get it up and running first. We’ll make it look pretty later. But look at the front page […]

Alan Ollie Gelfand

Alan “Ollie” Gelfand, then and almost now.

Through following a link on one of your comments, I came across these two photos of Alan Gelfand doing his signature “ollie” in both 1979 and 2004. I’ve seen a few “Then and Now” photo comparisons before, but these shots one-up the usual because he’s riding the same model board in both shots. What’s he […]

bizarre sentiment


Everyone was worried that the pool coping at Pier would get trashed by bike use so for a while people were always giving bike guys a hard time about pegs. seven months later this showed up in the big bowl at Pier. I haven’t said anything in a while and things seem to be pretty […]