Chi-Town Shred

Wish you were here…

I just wanted to babble on about this week’s Shot of the Week, since the standard format doesn’t allow it, and this one is too good to let go. This shot sums up skateboarding in the Midwest during the 80’s for me. Sure, we were rad, but it seemed like our surroundings were holding us […]

MC SOTW on Skate Daily

MC SOTW on Skate Daily

MC Shot of the Week is the name he uses when he moonlights as a techno-trance DJ. Our own Mark Conahan is in the Shot of the Week on Skate Daily, the week being this week. MC says there’s not a lot of overlap between Skate Daily and Skate and Annoy which means I can […]

School Portland

I am a cliche

A high school in North East Portland had to be closed down due to asbestos or black mold, or so the rumors go. It was too expensive to rehab it and they apparently didn’t need the space so they decided to tear the whole thing down. It was where Gus Van Sant filmed the 2003 […]

Another Shitty Bowl

Tidy Bowl

Insert joke about shitty bowls here. Oops! Shoulda made this photo of the Kent Washington skatepark a Shot of the Week. [Photo: Tony Davies via Sleestak]

Please go to the hospital

Please go to the hospital

Donavan came almost rode out of a couple of these whatever you call them, where he flies out of the shallow and pant his board on the back wall, then pops back into the bowl. Unfortunately, he hit his head pretty hard on his last attempt. The building had pretty much emptied out and not […]

Glen Charnoski

Triefecta Quick Pics – Masters 1st Place at Pier Park

Masters Division 1st Place: Glen Charnoski. Photographers were thick as flies. I had to take this on from overhead to be able to get anything.

Buck Smith

Triefecta Quick Pics – Masters 3rd Place at Pier Park

Masters Division 3rd Place: Buck Smith. (Yeah, I know his foot is amputated, but the other good shot I got of him was an invert and I didn’t want to use it.)

Julie Kindstrand

Triefecta Quick Pics – Ladies Winner at Pier Park

1st Place Ladies. I believe this is Julie Kindstrand

Triefecta Quick Pics - Steve Alba

Triefecta Quick Pics – Masters 2nd Place at Pier Park

MAsters Division 2nd Place: Steve Alba. This was not a lien -to -tale but the end of a long grind with a nose grab that he tweaked before reentry.