This is a 2012 KSwiss advertisement for a parkour shoe, excuse me, Free Running shoe called Ariake. It features a cat from Guadeloupe named Sébastien Foucan who is allegedly the founder of free running which is completely different from Jackie Chan and Parkour, and has nothing to do with it in any respect. Of course, […]
Drink your fancy tea from China in china from Japan. This will set you back approximately $50 USD at the time of this publication, but think of all the face you’ll save. [Source: Akashicr] – Thanks to MC for the tip.
These animals riding skateboards are illustrated by a fellow named Guise. Sure, they lack the naive appeal of Schmetz Petz, but look at that technique! [Source: WhatAnArt via Juxtapoz] – Thanks to MC for the tip.
Here’s a couple pages from Lane Smith’s 1993 book The Happy Hocky Family. I guess the alliteration in Happy Hocky is more catchy than the Sardonic Hocky Family. – Thanks to MC for the tip.
I’ve featured a handful or two of pages from Christmas catalogs and store advertisements from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, but this JCPenny (1993) is the first from the 90’s. Or it isn’t. I can’t tell for sure. A Bart Simpson skateboard is no big deal, but for the discerning reader of S&A there’s more […]
A dead body found in a skatepark, as seen in the trailer for the 2013 film Blood. Another post I was sitting for years, and for no apparent reason. Apparently even in Europe the skateparks attract a bad element.
Kevin Live found this funky snakeboard variation in a thrift store for 8 bucks and decided not to buy it. I don’t know how he was able to pass on that amazing alternative truck technology.
Skateboarding on German cereal boxes. Bonus shot of bizarro Osiris raver boot after the jump. – Thanks to Daniel for the pics.
As seen on How Stuff Works, more aptly titled “How stuff works as vaguely understood by people who don’t quite know what the whole story is.