
New S&A stickers

Just picked up some expertly printed Skate and Annoy stickers from Diesel Fuel Prints. Diesel Fuel has a new location on Lombard in North Portland for all your screen printed sticker and poster needs. Tell Andy Skate and Annoy sent ya! Now I’ve got about 50 envelopes to stuff. Here’s how to get yours.


Action Skateboard Teens

What started as a post about overpriced 80’s skateboard dolls (Action Skateboard Teen – $50!) got weird during research when I found a video about girls (who can actually skate) who want you to know that’s it’s OK to wear high heels to the skatepark as long as you bring skate shoes to change into, […]


“To elongate the endurance of a skate shoe”

Before you get your panties in a bunch, this is just a concept for a removable ollie guard for your shoes, kind of like those old Totes™ brand rubbers my dad made me put on my dress shoes as a kid when it was raining. Unlike a lot of the other concepts in Benjamin Beck’s, […]


Your Mother Reads Reader’s Digest

Reader’s Digest is traditionally found next to the davenports belonging to grandparents across North America, – light reading while you enjoy a highball on the lanai. America. This is Moraga Commons Skate Park photographed by Paul Rickman from Oakland, California. Paul is only 18 years old, what’s he doing reading Reader’s Digest – besides winning […]


Rodney Mullen from Sebring Revolution

There’s a giant cloud of pompousness eminating from Sebring Revolution, starting with the name of a company whose mission is to “revolutionize the way consumers see, study, purchase, and interact with art, products and media.” Sure… I guess it sounds better than “We make cool stuff.” However, they’ve put together some interesting footage and interactive […]


Monster Energy Supports Women’s Pro Street League

Seen above, the top three places in the first ever Street League Women’s Pro Division… What’s that? Oh, right. I guess those would more likely be some Monster Girls. I guess they don’t sponsor anyone in the women’s circuit, but hey, Nyjah Huston got 2nd. Photo from Monster’s press release regarding 2015 SLS Nike SB […]


Nice try, but I’m still trying you as an adult

This is a cartoon by Glenn and Gary McCoy, available from It’s got an ID# (ggm080314) but oddly enough if you search for it it tells you it doesn’t exist. Here come de judge.


Another Fashion Show

Forget about the Olympics, we should start a petition to keep skateboarding out of fashion! All the fashion blogs are gaga about how the skateboards weren’t awkward at all and were very complimentary to the styles. Meanwhile, the skateboarding itself was very awkward, and the poor girl on the right could barely keep her fancy […]


Some light skating

Andy Shinkage is selling re-issued skateboards turned into household lighting fixtures. They’re wired through the cutouts in the wooden riser pads that allow the board to remain intact without extra holes being drilled. As a wall mount, it’s kind of odd, I think the obvious choice would be to hang it overhead. Another thing you’d […]