These are Bread and Badger sandblasted glasses with a unicorn riding a skateboard. As seen at the Crafty Wonderland retail shop in Portland. Looks like it’s available as a coffee mug, travel mug, cocktail glass, and wine glass too.
This is an expansion version of a card game called Loonacy. The Retro edition features artwork reminiscent of the old Mille Bornes game. I’m not sure why, but that skateboard says “Pink Thunder” on the top.
Kinder Joy Surprise toy found inside little chocolate eggs, for sale by a cannibal in Hong Kong. I’m clearly phoning it in today. Bonus Kinder Surprise after the jump.
Lemmy Kilmister dead at 70, two days after being diagnosed with cancer. His bandmates have explicit instructions on honoring his life. Long live Lemmy. [Photo: Independent]
A detail from Johnny Sampson’s print titled Christmastime: A Love Story.
Peanuts Wikia says this cartoon of sally on roller skates while the rest of the gang rides skateboards, including Linus, Snoopy, and some random kid whose name I can’t figure out even with the help of wikipedia, which has an extensive listing of main and minor characters in Peanuts. Newspapers across the country have been […]
Brooke McCarter died from a genetic liver disorder yesterday. To pedestrians he is best known as a vampire in the Lost Boys, but skateboarders of a certain age will recognize him from his supporting roll as a Ramp Local in Thrashin’. [source: People. Photos: Left – Lost Boys Sanctuary, Right – Chiveta]
Thanks to Jim Goodrich for this photo of Health Net insurance billboard.
A random sample of email I get form companies in China trying to sell me skateboards. I thought I had posted this before but it didn’t show up when I searched for Elephant. The “blog” section of Skate and Annoy has been running for about 10 years now… it’s hard to keep track of this […]