Frank is on a Roll

Frank is a private label brand for Canadian Tire, an automotive company (?) that somehow has a long history of retail stores as well. I mean sure, Panasonic made stereos and bicycles so…. Tires, paper towels and potato chips! The Frank brand has amusing packaging, with the character Frank essentially being the anthropomorphized version of […]

Go For Smurf!

Here’s a round up of some Smurf action that hasn’t already been covered on Skate and Annoy. This definitely should have been split into more than one post.

Corn Man!

Corn Man is currently a big seller over at Obvious Plant, so it’s only fitting that he makes an appearance on a skateboard on multiple t-shirt designs and a “First Edition” Holographic skateboard sticker the has already sold out. Obvious Plant must like skateboarding too, this is the 3rd time they’ve been feature her so […]

Nerd and Wimps? “No!” I say.

These are part of a set of Northworld Novelties stickers from 1986. No Wimps! No Nerds! I can remember seeing these back in the day and always assumed the were bootlegs but it looks like the actually licensed Wimpy from King Features and the Nerds Candy critters from Sunmark, who owned that brand at the […]

Ok Boomer

This showed up in my feed and I have no idea what the hell it’s all about other than the company To The Stars appears to be somebody’s art project, and one of those somebodies is a guy from Blink 182. The plush toy allegedly says things when you press the beer can, but they […]

The Volcanics and The Ripper

Classic surf music from the Hi Tide Recordings label and the The Volcanics latest release Concrete Carver. This is not an advertisement, I just happen to enjoy some surf music mixed into my library. During covid I discovered thier label mates the Surfrajettes and have been listening to surf music a little more than usual […]

Drop Into Hot Wheels Skate with Tony Hawk

This is less than brand new, but I just had fingerboard fatigue, or maybe it was Tony Hawk fatigue, or maybe it was both. Mattel is selling fingerboards, and although they don’t appear to be branded as a Tony Hawk product he appears in a commercial and theHawk name is sprinkled on the products in […]

D.H. Peligro R.I.P.

Happy Halloween bummer. D.H. Peligro passed away this weekend. Plastic Surgery Disasters had a major impact on this editor and his world view… The impact has not worn off. All those parents groups were right, punk rock does poison your mind!

Yeah but, somebody in Florida actually invented the Yellow Betty…

This is a good one. Lyons Maid is an brand of ice cream that started in 1925 and was retired in 1998, only to be revived a decade later. During their heyday in the 70’s they used to have all kinds of collectable cards and wrappers, including the Junior Champs Supercards seen here. These are […]