John & Iggy & Mike

I love it when worlds collide. You’re looking at a picture of director John Waters and Iggy Pop, likely taken around 1990, possibly promoting the film Cry Baby. And, you’re looking at it on Skate and Annoy because I love both of these guys, and Iggy is wearing a Powell Peralta Mike McGill t-shirt. You […]

Grrl Scouts Work Sucks #1

With that title you’d be forgiven for thinking this was a 90’s comic book, but Grrl Scouts Work Sucks v1 #1 was published in 2003 by Image Comics. Grrl Scouts is the creation of Jim Mahfood, and there have been a few volumes with different subtitles such as Girl Scouts: Stone Ghost, Grrl Scouts: Magic […]

Laugh #309 with Jinx in The Board game

It’s rare to find an Archie Comics Group story with skateboarding that doesn’t focus on Archie, Jughead, or poor Mr Weatherby. Laugh comics #309, published in December of 1976, has a story with a character named Li’l Jinx titled “The Board Game.” The comics seems to be aimed mostly at teens, but they have a […]

Volcano Bowl at Crater Lake

When I first saw this article I was slightly shocked. If you’ve never been to Crater Lake, it is truly a beautiful, pristine, and stunning National Park. A skatepark would defiantly be an incongruous intrusion. Yes, I was definitely against building a skatepark! It just made no sense, adding a huge skatepark essentially in the […]

Raisin Hell & Raisin the Dead

California Raisins! They never get old…. On the left, as seen on r/shittytattoos. Looks like a repost, uncredited. If you find the original source let me know. On the right is a Doug Avery design on a fundraising t-shirt that friends of Andres bought to help him recover from a serious (if not gnarly!) motorcycle […]

Practice Lighting Roses

Welcome to another addition of random Chinese crap that shows up in your feed. This is Skateboard Spark Attachments – Uncharged, Rubber Fire Stunt Device for Shoes, Fits Ages 14+ – Outdoor Skating Flame Enhancer. The isn’t the first Outdoor Skating Flame Enhancer by a long shot. In the 70’s there were G&S Speed Sparks, […]

Go Over Tough Wave

About a year and a half a go I was at KPub waiting to place an order for some very delicious Korean food when a video for an unknown (to me) Kpop band showed up on the TV screen on the wall near the counter. I assume it’s Kpop, maybe it’s Jpop or some other […]

American Girl Skatepark

My sister sent me these pics and the text is lifted straight from the American Girl web site. Isabel™ & Nicki’s™ 2-in-1 Tennis Court & Skate Spot for 18-inch Dolls  (Historical Figures.) Isabel and Nicki love heading to the park where they each can pursue their favorite sports. Isabel wants to learn to play tennis […]

Gnarly Gnome

I spotted these Gnarly Gnome socks from Sock It To Me while doing some x-mas shopping.