Stickers are For Blockheads
I just added 27 stickers from the collection of Blockhead founder Dave Bergthold to the gallery of Vintage Skateboard Stickers, bring the running total to 541 stickers. The additions are almost entirely Blockhead Skateboards stickers from the 80-90’s. If you’re trying to build your collection, they have some NOS vintage stickers for sale in limited quantities and at NOS vintage prices. You’ll have to pay attention because there are reprints of many old designs, usually in a different size than the original, but the NOS vintage designs are currently at the bottom of the page.
I hade several of those. I rode a few blockhead boards. I really liked their team with Omar and Rick Howard. And I always wanted to skate their crazy mini ramp set-up 🙂
I loved their early decks. I was a hardcore Uncle Wiggley fan. They made Blockhead boards. Nice and thin with the epoxy glass… Tons of snap… but never advertised it.
BITD, that Nothing is Cool sticker sparked a rabbit hole of profound thought for me, ending with my old blog name “Nothing is”. Thanks for the tip to buy the stickers.
Good to hear from you again!
This post is from January, I should updating again…
Awesome! S&A is the absolute best blog ever. I need to check back more often. So glad to see it again.