Dutch Street Suckers
Check out this early 80’s “Street Sucker” from the Netherlands. The graphic and two-tone wheels look like something distinctly American, although there is no visible company name to be found.
– Thanks to Michiel Walrave for the pic.
Back in the mid-late 80s boards like these were everywhere. Every skater I knew started on a toy store tank similar to the one pictured. As far as we knew these were actual skateboards, until we learned about ‘professional’ skateboards with ‘soft wheels’. This particular graphic was a big seller in the Netherlands. If memory serves this one was sold by toy store chain De Speelboom and possibly dept store Marskramer. To my friends and I this ‘model’ was something legit, much like the famous Skate Zombie graphic. Love this design still, great colors.
Michiel Walrave