Dennis Dragon: R.I.P.
Dennis Dragon died unexpectedly yesterday. It hasn’t been reported officially, but rather through friends and relatives of his on Facebook. Skateboarders know and love him as a founding member of the Surf Punks, and musical director for those famous Bones Brigade movies. He also appeared uncredited in the movie Skateboard Madness as the character Dick Damage. I can tell you, as a high school age kid who grew up in the Midwest, the Surf Punks had an abnormally large impact on me. I knew that he lived in Southern Oregon and had often thought about trying to locate him and meet him. I’m sure he would have been annoyed, but maybe not. A sad day on Skate and Annoy, enough to get me out of retirement and make a post again.
I make spray paint stencils. My next one is Dennis as Dick Damage in Skateboard Madness. Searching the webs for images of Dick Damage and came across your blurb. Well spoken sir. Surf Punks for life!